Dark Night under the Moon Part I

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Even the evening didn't bring any ease, the hot air still stinging in the packed camp. They've been traveling for hours under the glaring sun, now at the eve, she had to confined into this packed tent. Servants were sweating badly as they fanned her, their faces wet and breath heavy. Aliayh's linen and cotton dress was moist and began to stick to her skin as she regularly tried to settle on her bed. Oh this heat, she was exhausted, after regular moments, few cold winds sneaked into her chambers. But before she even bathes in their breeze, they vanished into emptiness.

To travel faster, they had to travel in horse carriages rather than palanquins, jumping and twerking with each tiny pebbles. Her whole body was aching and now at sundown, she is packed in a hot tent when theirs a lake outside. She would kill to go strolling outside on leilah, maybe just then she would be at peace. Suddenly she got up and looked around, clenched her eyebrows. Then like her heart lighten up and suddenly her eyes shone in joy.

She climbed out hastily, nearly jumped out of her bed and picked a deep red silk cloak lying on the armchair. As she began to tie it while pressing her lower lip with her teeth, an old lady called upon her, "M'lady where are you going."

While her head was still lowered, her eyes raised and found her. A mischievous grin appears on her face, just as soon as she was done with her tying she approached that old lady, little too old for this journey. That old lady's eye looked at her in strange mystery, in fear of unprecedented

"Strolling." Aliayh said as hopefully giggling as she could and just take a slight hop of joy on her heels, never leaving the ground.

"But m'lady, you shouldn't. Not now, not at this ungodly hour. "the old lady replied.

She was not as stern as her mother, rather polite alot. And she may be a small old lady but still her voice was commanding. She was maybe 80 years or something, Aliayh didn't knew but she looked close to that. Aliayh knew her whole life, she may be just a wet nurse but still her mother relied on her for taking care of Aliayh. Her Daima, that's what she always called her, who disciplined her and on some occasions, save her from her mother's anger.She stands stern in front of her leaning on her stick, looking up straight into her eyes. Aliayh gathered her mind and just said bluntly,

"I can not stay here anymore. I'll be back in quick swift."

"Mlady guards have ordered, you can't go now. After what happened, you should understand too. Commander himself had taken measures for everyone's safety. He issued strict orders, it isn't wise to go against the royal protocols." Daima said, her eyes looking up at her in worry. Aliayh face turned sour.

"I'll be not imprisoned in my own camp. I have higher authority on myself than the lord commander will ever, I am not a child anymore. I can and will take care of myself. "Aliayh replied in sour voice, she despised those royal bodyguards. They were always rude even before the attack on sultans. Just cause they report directly to the sultan, their authority was unchallenged. Maybe others didn't had to endure their behaviour. Just because her life was much closer to sultan's, she had to endure their disrespect from her childhood. Its hard when all the guards bow to you and then some just bumped you in hallways unnoticed. As she grew up she didn't get bothered by them much but still, one's childhood hate scarcely leave them.

"M'lady please try to understand. Think of Sultan, he had ordered these precautions and also worried for us. You, even every royalties are in danger now. "

" Oh don't annoy me with your feeble talk. For we all know, it could be some prankster. Don't worry this much." she just winked playfully and turned toward the exit.

"M'lady please... "Daima pleaded but she was gone.

As she came outsides, the guards exchanged looks, tent wasn't any soundproof. They just trusted their instincts and step aside. Aliayh just walked around the camp to its backside. Her eyes just lived again as she saw her there, as she expected. A beautiful milky white mare, leilah she called her. Sleek and tall in appearance yet very delicate steps, her hairs so long and silky that they just feels like a high stream of milk whenever she ran and falls on her face sideways when she is not.

Aliayh hurried to her and unbounded her and slowly stroked her back. A stableboy helped her climb on her cause her dressed didn't. When she held her reins in her hand she feels relaxed as she never have on this trip. She slightly kicked leilah's back and she galloped softly through the tents.

As soon as she came out in open, she just lashed those reins and leilah galloped hard like she became one with the wind under the dark orange glow beyond the horizon where the sun had vanished. Aliayh just chuckled a bit as sharp cold wind slicing at her face, though she wanted to shriek.


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