"What girl?" I asked squinting at him not liking to the two word explanation that was given. Apparently what I said was hilarious due to all three of them cracking down in laughter. Quickly getting irritated I pulled out my knife ready to slit their throats. Although the boss next to me held me back.

They finished off their wheezing and looked at us.

"You. Everyone wants you. Please, infamous Ethan Dolan gets engaged and the crime world throws a parade. You sweet pea." The middle man said leaning in closer to me. "You're as good as dead."


He slumped forward in his chair taking the easy way out, however all I could focus on was the ground. Me. I'm dead. Dead? Please. I bit my lip looking at the other two who stared wide eyed, obviously not seeing that coming. You and me both.

Ethan scoffed. "Pussy."

I hate that he compared one of a woman's most sensitive, private, and intimate areas to that asshole.

The man who I used as a human pumpkin spoke up next causing a small giggle to erupt at what came from him.

"Got any more bu-bullets?"

Ethan shook his head just as the gun slipped from the dead mans hand and onto the floor. The Italian bent down, picking it up, and placed two more bullets in the revolver.

"Alright mittens your turn." Ethan said holding out the gun to the man with no fingers. Lego man glared at the boss as he was still tied up and couldn't hold the gun if he wanted to.

I giggled slipping Ethan's knife out of his pocket and walking behind the man to cut his ropes. I did it gently considering I already cut off eleven fingers, mhm he's an odd one.

I walked back around and watched him widen his eyes as he slowly brought his arms around in front of him. Not even a second later annoying ear shattering screaming escaped him.

Yeah yeah, you need to moisturize no need to yell. I mean seriously, relax fingers aren't that important. Ethan nodded seeing his hands untied and placed the gun in his-well his nubs? Lego hands chuckled with no hint of humor what so ever.

He began to let his anger out before dropping the gun. "You people are sick, and so-so fucking insane."

Ethan chuckled. "Sí."


I stared up at the sky as Ethan and I laid on the grass, while he stroked my hair and I let my mind wander to every place it wanted to. The men were taken care of, and come to find out, I'm wanted dead or alive. Surprise, who wants to ruin my life now?

I suppose once the infamous Italian mob boss settles down the entire crime world goes insane, and begins to create wanted pictures with my face on the front.

As Benny was dragging out the bodies from the room, he comforted me, and let me know that even if I'm wanted dead, its hard to kill someone who's best friends with the devil himself.

Well- engaged to the devil himself.

Ethan suddenly stopped threading his fingers through my hair and whispered, "what are you thinking about gattina?" I sighed clearing my head of all the bad thoughts before asking.
(Translation> kitten)

"Can I get a k-kitty?"

Silence. And more silence. As soon as I asked that question I felt his body freeze from beneath me, and after a few seconds I turned to look at him. His eyes were locked on nothing but the sky and his jaw was clenching and unclenching.

Greaser ☾Ethan Dolan Where stories live. Discover now