Before: Chapter Four

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Marie watched the doctor unhook the dozens of wires from her skin and peel the sticky pads off her body. Her first two weeks out of containment were spent in the medical ward. Test after test was performed on Marie, followed by endless questions about her medical history and powers. Every little detail was recorded—well, every detail that she was willing to offer.

"Marie. We're almost done, we just need another blood sample from you."

Marie pulled on her suit and crossed her arms. "I thought-I thought you already had-had-had your s-samples. All you needed was-was—All you needed was this last test."

The woman smiled tersely, tapping her clipboard impatiently. "It's just one more sample."

Marie pursed her lips. "Fine."

She rolled up her sleeve and held out her arm. Every time the bruises faded, more needles seemed to appear. The doctor made quick work of it, her gaze lingering on Marie's arm as the small prick heal itself within seconds of removing the needle.

"Fascinating." Her eyes met Marie's as her lips pulled back into a smile. A tingle shot down her spine and she flinched. Marie pulled her arm away and stepped back. She silently zipped up her uniform, pulled on her boots and walked away.

Agent Romanoff stood outside the lab, noting Marie's hunched figure. She placed a hand on her shoulder and another on her back. Gently, she forced Marie to stand upright.

"Slouching makes you an easy target. An opponent would take you down before you could blink," she said, stepping back. "You need to be ready."

Marie blinked, trying to process the information. "O-Okay."

Agent Romanoff turned on her heel and escorted her away from the labs. Marie was finally permitted to leave the medical ward, though no one told her where she was going. Not that it mattered; anywhere would be an improvement.

They came to a stop at Room 212.

"You'll be staying here," Agent Romanoff said, opening the door.

There were two beds. One side was clearly occupied, with photographs taped on the wardrobe and several books stacked on top of the desk. Bits of paper stuck out of some of the pages. Aside from the pencils tucked neatly into a cup, there was no other personality to the room.

Marie ran her fingers over the sheets on the unused bed. "Who-Who else stays here?"



Marie eyed Agent Romanoff's books, their titles in a foreign language. One book lay open on the desk, scribbled writing filling the margins. Marie was too intimidated by the woman to look closer at the photographs. Maybe when Romanoff is out of the room.

Looking away, Marie faced her bed. She pushed down on it, watching the mattress spring back. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept on a bed; years, she guessed.

Agent Romanoff led Marie out of the dormitories and showed her the rest of the base. She pointed out several training rooms, the main communications centers, and the offices of the higher-ups. The base was larger than Marie had imagined. Her shoes tiredly scuffed the ground by the time they approached the cafeteria.

Romanoff glanced at her. "Do you want an early dinner? We missed lunch."

Marie shook her head. "I'm not-I'm not hungry. You can go ahead and-and eat though."

Romanoff didn't respond to her. They continued walking side by side, even as they passed the dining hall. Marie looked over at the agent. "Are you not-not—Are you not eating?"

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