"Jared, I am sorry, I was just stressed as well and I really didn't mean what I said," there it is; all my plan of me being strong and even quitting is down the drain.

"I know," he nodded.

I pressed my lips looking far into the traffic then turned to him once again.

"So, I guess Lora did come to the rescue..."

His genuine laugh filled the car.

"You never really liked her, did you?"

"I would say ever since the interview five months ago, I knew when she said she is so passionate about being a publicist she meant something else... You don't know how many nights I had to stay awake reconnecting every single platform because she can't even write a sentence without it being shady or missing information," I vented, just a bit.

"Why you never old me that?" he frowned turning towards me.

I shrugged.

"You had a lot of things going on; I didn't want to bother and I like doing publications."

"Well, then there you go, you can start it as soon as we are heading off to the tour," he said, and I bit my lips.

"About that..."

But we were already arriving to the studio and I didn't want to start arguing now.

The shoot went well. Most people who wanted to meet Jared has left already and only the ones who were really keen on meeting him waited for some chat and photos.

It really was a quick and easy shoot. A black background, bright light on Jared and he just had to lip-sing his song and just feel free do whatever he wanted.

One take. This was all. No wonder the others finished so early, even if there were a dozen of people.

I remember when all they had is the band; spending months to create scenes for their music videos and weeks to shoot them.

Still I loved to see Jared in his happy place. He did everything perfectly but when he sang his eyes shone brighter, his confidence got higher.

"You finally made it, you ass," Shannon looked to him as he just got back from somewhere when Jared finished up, still standing in front of the cameras.

"Sorry, brother, I had a meeting stretching out way too long," he shook his head and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure..." Shannon mumbled.

"Come hug me! I know you love me!" Jared sang opening his arm.

"No, I am mad!" Shannon stated with crossed arms but looked more amused.

Then Jared just started to sing loud with all his heart.

"Rescue me! From the demons in my mind! Rescue me, rescue me, rescue me!" his arms still wide open looking at Shannon who just chuckled and went to give him a bearhug. They swung left to right laughing so happily.

There you go. No one can stay mad at this man.

They patted each other's back then stepped away still giggling around like two schoolboys.

While Jared was off to his (weeks earlier) scheduled family dinner, I stayed at his house and got back on track with the e-mails. There was nothing else really to do as now he finally has a week off and everything about the tour is being handled by the manager.

I was writing thank you e-mails to some of the Hotels who gave the band gifts and free transportation when I heard the door open and shut.

"Oh hey there, you still around," Jared walked to the kitchen throwing his wallet and phone to the table from his pockets. He had black, ripped jeans on and dark navy-blue shirt, his hair pulled back neatly.

Truly-Madly-Deeply AssistantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora