Blankets, Interdimensional cable and Forts

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{The picture is what you are wearing}

As I wake up to a room that is more familiar than my own, I roll over to see Rick working at his desk in his bedroom. "Mm, where's the bathroom? I wanna take a bath... shit I need to go home and get some stuff." I wine, covering myself with an extremely fluffy blanket.

"Here, we can use my portal gun." He walks over to the bed, extending a hand and I happily take it. As I stand up he shoots a green lazier into the wall and we walk through into my bathroom.

I gather up my shampoo, conditioner and all my other necessities for a bath. Rick has already made his way to my bedroom. "You got a lotta neat shit in here." He mumbles through the door, I follow behind him. "Oh, well yeah. This is hopefully my new home. Hey, where are the cigarettes?" I groan, gathering up clothes. Rick hands me one as I finish packing everything up. I light it as we walk back through the portal. I look at my cigarette as it's just a but with a long train of ash.

"I'm gonna take a bath now." I mumble as I walk towards the bathroom, holding my bath stuff and a pack of cigarettes with a lighter tucked in it. "Wo-woah." Morty groans as he walks out of the bathroom with a picture frame with a picture of a girl I can't make out. "Hey there Morty, what's up?" I ask, slightly annoyed that I have to wait to relax anymore. "Oh! H-Hi Mary. W-w-what are you doing?" He says, trying to hide the picture. "Oh, well I was just gonna take a bath and relax." I explain as I make my way into the bathroom. "O-oh. Well, have fun." He whispers as he runs to his room.

I apply a face mask as I dance around the bathroom listening to music. I light my candle as my bubble bath grows behind me. "Hey Mary, can I come it?" Rick says knocking at the door. "Uh, yeah. Give me a minute." I grab my silk wrap and throw it on as I open the door. "What's up Ri-." I try to ask as he barges into the bathroom. "So, nice bath you have here." He says, sitting on the toilet. "What do you want?" I groan as I turn off the water so the tub doesn't overflow. "I walked in on Morty, ya know, playin with his thing. To a picture of you." Rick says reaching for my cigarettes. "Okay?" I say as I drop my wrap as I step into the bathtub. "Oh shit. You're naked." Rick stares at me. "I know! I've been trying to take a bath for the last hour and a half and everyone keeps getting in my damn way!" I lay back in the warm water, trying to relax. "You sound pissed." He says, lightning the cigarette. "I am! Every fucking time I go to take a bath I get interrupted! It's bullshit!" I groan, sinking deeper into the bubbly water. "Oh I'm sorry hun, I'll leave you to your bath." He walks over, kisses my head, locks the door, and leaves.

(Time skip, brought to you by Mr. Poopy Butthole)

I pull on my sweatpants, tank and flannel and walk out the door. "Hey Mary, what are you all doing today? Any adventures? Haha." Summer asks as I make my way to Rick's room. "Oh I was just thinking about watching tv downstairs with Rick." And as if on cue, Rick comes out and wraps an arm around my neck. He still doesn't smell like alcohol. "Hey, that sounds like a good idea. I'll go set up the tv!" He drags me downstairs with him. "You can come with Summer!" I try to yell back but she's already went into her room. "Rude.... but worth it." I giggle as I sit down on the couch. He takes the box apart and puts some type of crystal on it. " Interdimensional cable baby!" He yells as we sits down beside me in the couch. He flips through a couple channels until he reaches a movie with people that remind me of the A Team. "Hey Morty! Ball fondlers the movie is on!" Rick  yells upstairs. "What's ball fondlers?" I ask, leaning my head on Ricks shoulder. "O-only the greatest movie of a-all time!" Morty screams sitting down on the love seat. Rick pulls out his flask and takes a drink of it. "YEAH BABY!" He screams as well. "What's with all the screaming here?" I roll my eyes as Rick kisses my cheek.

Six movies later, and five passed out people later I'm the only one who's awake in the house. Morty had already made his way back to his room and Rick is asleep in the couch. I walk into the kitchen to get something to eat, my stomach is growling like a lion. I'm eating left over spaghetti as Rick makes his way over to the island I'm sitting at. "Wanna, I dunno, maybe, build a blanket fort?" Rick asks me as he takes a bite of my spaghetti. "Redundancy, Rick. And yes, I'd love too." I say as I finish my spaghetti and put it my empty dishes in the sink and get some water. "Okay! I'll go upstairs and get some supplies." Rick goes upstairs as I make my way back to the couch and lay down. There's some weird show on about people with ants in their eyes. As in about to slowly drift off into sleep, Rick covers me up with a blanket. "There you go sweetheart." He gets on the couch with me and we both fall asleep.

I ran through a building, gripping my gun Rick had given me. "You'll never get away. You'll never find your Rick. You'll be trapped here, running for freedom yet never reaching it. You'll be stuck in this place for all eternity."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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