~Ch. 8: Devil Python's Defeat~

Start from the beginning

The Devil Python spews the acidic liquid on its entrapped prey.

"Coco!" Toriko calls out.

But thanks to the protective layer of poison around him, Coco comes out unharmed. "Poison Skin. . .I consume a great amount of poison inside my body and cover my body in a thin layer of poison. That way, I should be able to defend against the dissolving fluid. This is bad. . .My poison is going to run out before it penetrates the Devil Python." Coco's protective layer of poison the dissipates. He manages to free his arm from the beast's vice grip around him. "Poison Cannon!"

With its flexible body, the Devil Python is able to dodge the attack while still keeping its hold on Coco. At the same time, it attacks Coco with numerous strands of its mane which are tipped with needle-like attachments.

Once dug into his skin, the Devil Python's poison begins injecting into him in huge draughts that could kill a normal person in an instant.

Once dug into his skin, the Devil Python's poison begins injecting into him in huge draughts that could kill a normal person in an instant

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Coco exclaims from the pain.

"Coco!" Toriko shouts, worriedly. "Oh, no! It's pumping poison into him using its hair as needles!"

"Stay back, Toriko!" Coco orders. Though the situation he's in isn't ideal, Coco manages to smile through the pain at Toriko. "I thought you said you were concentrating on build up power. . ."

"Coco! You have antibodies for the Devil Python's poison?" Toriko questions.

"No, I don't." Coco replies without hesitation. "However. . ." Coco summons his Appetite Demon, which then envelopes the reptilian beast.


Coco's expression twists into one of agonizing pain as veins begin to bulge and throb along his neck and body. Extreme pain. . .Hallucinogenic. . .Hemorrhaging poison. . .I've deciphered over 100 different proteins in the Devil Python's poison. . .I've completed the manufacturing of antibodies using my special immunity powers! Coco's mind is no longer pain-filled, but of confidence. "If I don't have antibodies, then I just have to make them!" Coco's body begin to give off a light purple glow. "Because. . .I'm a poisonous man." Coco then forces the antibodies building in his body back through the Devil Python's needle follicles and into its body. It roars in pain at the invading forces within its body.

"How do you like the taste of my poison ad the antibodies I created?" Coco remarks.

The reptilian beast trembles in agony before it freezes up entirely.

"Okay, Toriko." Coco give the 'go ahead'.

Toriko's entire right arm is now bulged with muscle and giving off steam. "Right! Good work."

"I can finally see the shadow of death on it. . ." Coco gazes at the dark aura emanating from the Devil Python.

Toriko roars a battle cry. "Five-Fold. . .Spiked Punch!" The buildup of power from the punch caused a hollow to imprint itself on the Devil Python's hide.

Spiked Punch!" The buildup of power from the punch caused a hollow to imprint itself on the Devil Python's hide

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The serpent beast is then flung unto the cave roof, releasing its hold on Coco.

Toriko catches him with his unused arm since his right one is currently numbed from the attack. "Tired, Coco?"

Behind them falls the body of the defeated Devil Python.

The slightly beaten-up Coco smiles at his friend. "Yeah. . .I guess my body's gotten weak from just telling fortunes all the time. . .I'm a little winded. . ."

Toriko chuckles.

In a short time, Toriko had sliced up the Devil Python into enormous portions.

In a short time, Toriko had sliced up the Devil Python into enormous portions

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"You're able to do five in a row?" Coco asks regarding Toriko's attack. "I guess you need it, searching for such high-level ingredients. . .No telling how strong (First Name)'s gotten over the years. We better hurry and join her in finding Komatsu-kun, Gumimin and Macaronia!"

Toriko approaches one of the huge chunks of Devil Python meat. "How should we carry this?"

"We can worry about that later." Coco urges.

"We can't just leave it here! Someone else might eat it." Toriko reasons.

"My poison is in it, so it can't be eaten unless it's cooked first." Coco argues. "The beasts shouldn't give it a second look. Besides, we have to hurry and catch up with (First Name) and find Komatsu-kun and the Sweetspets!"

Toriko isn't listening, on the other hand. "Just have to cook it, eh?"

"Hey, Toriko!"

"I told you already, Komatsu's fine!" Toriko replies blasé.


"Even if (First Name) doesn't get to him in time, I handed him a secret weapon to use if he ever got into a jam by himself."


Komatsu gapes at the terrifying sight before him.

"Y-You're kidding me! Why is there one here, too?" The burly Bishokuya that kidnapped Komatsu, and unknowingly the Sweetspets, exclaims.

"No way!" Shouts Komatsu.

Another Devil Python appears from around the corner of the cave path the Bishokuya was taking.

"(First Name)-nee-san! Toriko-san!" The small chef screams from the top of his lungs.

🍒🍡(First Name)! Toriko! Coco! Anyone! SAVE UUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS!🍡🍒 Macaronia and Gumimin exclaim.

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