Chapter 20

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4 weeks later

Freddie's P.O.V.

I've waited a week before I went back to visit Miami at the hospital. Thankfully, the only persons there during that time was his family. I actually called ahead of time to see how many visitors he had. They told me it was just his family so I use this opportunity to go and see him. I didn't want to run into Brian after what happened last time. More importantly I just wanted to spend some alone time with my friend.

Anyway, the past couple of weeks have been challenging to say the least. The only thing that has been keeping me going is my staff and my cats. It's been a slow process, but I'm coming along the best I can. I began working on my beautiful garden to take my mind off of Brian, but I can't stop thinking about him. I'm surrounded by so many memories of us in our garden and it hurts so much with him not being here. This was our garden, our special place and now its not anymore. He's not here anymore. It will never be the same again.

However, I clear my thoughts and take care of what needs to be done. My garden looks atrocious and I want it to look nice for the summer season. Maybe Brian will come around by then. It would be so lovely to have him back  in my life again.

Speaking of Brian, I haven't seen him since that dreadful day when he roughed me up in the hospital bathroom. And as much as I was turned on, I'm not sure I want to see that side of him again. That's not the Brian I'm use to. He really scared the hell out of me.

Brian also said that he would send someone to retrieve the rest of his things, but like I said I haven't seen or heard from him since. I honestly thought he took everything with him that night, but maybe he still have some items here that I'm not aware of. Either way, Brian is welcome to come back for his stuff any time he wants. I'm not stopping him. Maybe we can talk and become friends again. Who knows. I'm always hopeful when it comes to Brian. My door is always open for him.

Anyway back to my garden, I've enlisted a good friend of mines name Jim Hutton to help me work on it. He currently works for me part time and has been an amazing friend.

I met Jim last year when I was out with a few friends at a local night club called Heaven. He offered to buy me a drink, but I refused because of my relationship with Brian. However, we still talked a bit which was nice and I wound up learning a great deal about him. He explained to me what he did for living and what some of his hobbies were and while we were talking he told me about his extreme passion for gardening. Well this piqued my interest seeing as though I needed a steady gardner for my house. So he had my full attention at this point. I go on and explain to him who I was and what I did for living and surprisingly he had no clue of my status as a rock and roll super star. This only intrigued me further into wanting to become friends with him. We exchanged numbers and I asked him if he would like to work for me as my part time gardner. He agreed and began working for me after I discussed it with Brian of course. I made sure those two met right away.

When I introduced him to Brian, they've hit it off quite well together. There has never been any issue between the two men and I was very happy that Brian accepted him as my friend. You see to Brian he's just another addition to my staff so there was never any need for him to worry about anything other than the fact that he works for me. However, at this point I'm not sure how he feels about my male friends after what I did with Roger. He probably thinks I've been fucking them all behind his back which is not true, but I can't blame him for not trusting me. I've lost his trust and may never get that back again. He'll never look at me the same again because I cheated.

Consequently, Jim has always respected my relationship with Brian which is why we're still friends. When I told Jim about what happened between Brian and myself he was very supportive and even offered to help me win him back. I thought that was very nice of him to offer, but I declined and told him I could handle Brian by myself. However, he did say if things didn't work out he would be more than willing to take me out. I was quite flattered by his proposal and would be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive, but at the end of the day my heart will always belong to Brian. I know that sounds cliche, but that's just how I feel.

In the mean time, I've invited Jim over today to help me tackle the jungle I call my garden. He's outside now finishing up the days work of pruning the hedges. I go out there to meet him and invite him in for a cup of tea.

"Jim darling. you've done such a wonderful job dear." I clapped while smiling and he smiles back. We both go over the job he's done and I'm quite pleased with his work. "Come inside and join me for a cup of tea. Joe has just set the kettle on." I beamed excitedly as we were walking into the kitchen. He's done an amazing job and its the least that I could offer him.

"Yeah sure, but I can't stay long. I have to be at my other job in like an hour," he explained while washing his hands in the sink.

"Oh I see. Well tea time usually last all of 20 minutes darling. Surely you can stay as long as that. Plus you have to tell me about this new guy you're seeing," I insisted he stay for a bit while helping Joe set the mugs of tea on the table. I hand Jim his mug of tea and we began chatting about his love life.

"Well Freddie, he's nice so far. We actually have a date planned this Friday," he expressed while sipping slowly from his mug. He seems pretty happy which is great.

"I was thinking of taking him to this cute little Italian place called Macellaio in South Kensington," he beamed while sitting his mug on the table. I'm happy that he's found someone.

"You know its crazy. Brian and I have been there twice," I exclaimed cheerfully. "They have marvelous Veal Parmigiana and they have excellent bottle service darling," I muttered while trying to stay happy, but feel a bit sad because of the memories I shared with Brian at that restaurant. I have my head down now and Jim sees my sadness.

"Its actually sad to think about it now. Brian and I were planning to spend our 3 year anniversary there, but I guess not now." I mumbled while pouring myself another cup of tea and jim places his hand over mines for support. I feel bad that he has to see me like this. I quickly lift my head up to him and force a small smile.

"Oh I'm sorry Freddie. I know this must be hard on you. And now Miami's situation too. I can only imagine how you must feel." He kindly sympathized and stood up with his arms out offering a hug. I didn't hesitate and I embrace him for the much needed hug. It felt nice and I was grateful to him for it. I really needed a hug right now.

"Darling, like you wouldn't believe. But I'm dealing with it day by day Jim. Thanks," I murmured while separating from our hug. "Don't count me out just yet darling. I have a plan." I cheered confidently and Jim and I just smiled at each other while sitting back down to finish our tea. He really is a great friend.

"Well I'm always here to talk if you need me Freddie. You know that. You know you don't have to go at this alone," he exclaimed while giving my hand a firm squeeze. I wink at him for being so amazing towards me. He's just what the doctor ordered.

Jim and I go on chatting for a little while longer about non related topics. It was an enjoyable time spending time with my friend. But as he was standing up getting ready to leave, Brian suddenly walks into my kitchen. Ok I wasn't expecting him to show up right now. Phoebe must have let him in at the front door. I was quite surprised to see him and it showed on my face. I'm not mad at Brian for coming. I'm actually quite glad to see him. My issue lies with Phoebe and his failure to let me know that he was here. I'll speak to him later on about this.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company. I'll come back later," Brian stammered while turning around about to leave, but I quickly stop him.

"No stay." I murmured insistently while looking at Jim and he knew I wanted Brian to stay. "Jim was just getting ready to leave. The poor man's been here all morning sweating his balls off out in the garden. Haven't you Jim?," I chuckled and he smiled while gathering his garden tools then started walking towards the back door. Brian just stands there without saying a word and doesn't even look at Jim at all. Is he mad? I'm not sure. I walk over to Jim and graciously walk him out.

"Yeah, I'm just leaving now. Thanks for the tea Freddie. I'll see you next time." He smiled at both Brian and I as we were heading out the door.

"Any time darling. Thanks for coming," I yelled out to him while he was half way down the garden path. I come back inside and focus my attention back on Brian. I politely smile at him and offer him my assistance.

"Hi, How can I help you?"

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