Chapter 7

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After having a beautiful love making session, Freddie and Brian remained cuddled up together basking in each other's company until....

"Hey babe?"

'Yes darling.'

"I know you still feel put off about our last album not doing well in the U.S." "Do you feel like talking about it?" "We never really talked about it since our last meeting at E.M.I. and I figured since we've been so busy lately, you might want to discuss it now."

'Darling, there's nothing to talk about.' 'I've told you I'm over that already.' 'Why even discuss an issue that's not going to change Brian, hmm?' 'We've just had the best sex in a long time and then you go and bring that up.'

"Freddie, the reason I brought it up is because I've noticed you've changed since then." "Ever since that bloody album, you go out all the time, you're hardly ever home and I'm just generally worried that's all babe.

'Darling, this whole year has been a disaster to be honest with you.' 'So shoot me if I want have some fun to forget about all of the shit that we've been through.' 'I fucking worked my arse off on that album.' 'And I'm sorry for being so direct dear.'

"Its fine babe, I know its been a rough year and we lost a great deal of money, but I have noticed  you've been acting quite distant with me lately and frankly its beginning to worry me." "I mean this is the first time we've had sex in weeks."

'Brian Really.' Are we seriously having this conversation right now?' 'Between you and the kids and Chrissie with her nonsense, not to mention the fucking album fiasco, what the hell do you expect?' 'My patience has worn thin dear.'

"But babe, I'm sorry honey." "I know its a lot to deal with, but that's why I'm here for you." "You know you don't have to deal with this alone." "Has Chrissie been giving you any trouble lately?"

'Brian, I'm not going to even answer that.' 'You know that woman doesn't like me and I get that.'  'You left her for me and she'll always hate me for it.' 'But that's not the issue.' 'I'm just really fucking tired that's all. This whole year has been a total cock up and now I have to find away to make up for all the money we've lost on top of it.' 'I'm at my wits end.' 'I really am dear.'

"Fine, but you're taking it out on me with what the way you've been acting lately and I feel like I'm the one that's fucked this all up for you." "I mean how the hell do you think I feel." "Did you even consider that Freddie hmm?" "No you didn't consider it, did you?" "No because its always about you and what makes Freddie happy right?"

Freddie just sits and smirks at Brian condescendingly. He's trying to be patient with Brian, but choses not to indulge in Brian's little rant.

'Anyway, my mood has been derailed now.' I think I'll go down stairs now and have a drink alone.' 'Do you mind dear?' 'Or are you going to keep me here locked into this dreadful conversation?'

Freddie abruptly gets out of bed, puts on his Kimono robe and saunters out of the bedroom terminating the conversation with Brian. Brian remains silent and composed. He knows Freddie just needs to blow off some steam, but this is the type of behavior he has been dealing with for months now and its wearing on his nerves.

Brian's P.O.V.

Ever since that blasted album, I just can't get through to him. There must be something else going on and I bloody will find out what that this.


Freddie goes down stairs to try and cool off. He realizes that he may have over reacted with Brian. It's not Brian's fault that things turned out the way they did. Nevertheless, Freddie still feels he needs some time to get through this.


Freddie's P.O.V.

'Where's my Vodka?' 'Oh I see it.' Only one bottle left shit.' 'I'll have to remind Phoebe to restock my bar.'

I pour myself a tall glass of Stoli and feel quite terrible for how I've treated Brian. He didn't deserve that. I'm just tired of all of the bullshit that's been going on with our last album. We lost a lot of money due to lack of sales from the U.S. and now we have to work twice as hard to make up the difference. I'm just really disappointed about a lot of things especially the affair I had with Roger. I really didn't mean for it to go that far with us. Anyway, let me finish my drink and go to bed and apologize to Brian. We have to be up early and back in the studio. There's been talks about a Live Aid concert next year and we need to discuss in detail how we're going to prepare for it. This concert may bloody well be the ticket to our comeback. Lord knows we need something, anything to bring us back.

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