Chapter 15

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Chrissie's P.O.V.

I received a phone call from Brian the night of Miami's accident. He explained to me that he was upset and wanted to talk to me about some kind of affair that went on between Freddie and Roger. Why he chose to call me about what Freddie did to him I don't know, but somehow deep down I knew this would happen to him. It was just a matter of time. I told Brian not to get involved with Freddie after he left me, but he didn't listen to me. Freddie is a player and could never be faithful to one person at a time. He's been known to have multiple sex partners and would slut himself out for reasons I'm not sure of. Brian knew this about Freddie and yet he still chose him over me. He left me and our two kids for that immoral piece of crap and it serves him right to get a taste of his own medicine. Initially, I didn't know Brian was gay or bisexual throughout our relationship. To say I was hurt when he confessed the truth to me about his sexuality was an understatement. Our relationship was never the same after that. And when I found out he was seeing Freddie behind my back, I straight away threw him out of the house. I didn't even want him around our children, but the courts say I have no choice. If I had my way Brian would be out of my life forever, but since I don't, I have to put up with all of his bullshit because of our kids.

Its taking me a lot to sit here and listen to him about what happen between him and Freddie. However, I'm going to try and remain civil for the sake of our children.. Right now Brian is at my house with his luggage and I agreed to let him stay here until he finds another place to live. I'm only agreeing to this because of our kids.

"Thank you for letting me stay here Chrissie. Hopefully, I'll have another place by the end of the week."

"Its fine Brian and I'm not going to say I told you so, but..

"Then don't!.....I'm sorry. Its just, I'm dealing with so much with Miami's accident and what Freddie did to me, I feel like I'm about to explode. Can you forgive me?" he muttered while looking down at his feet in shame.

"Well don't get cross with me Brian. Your lucky I'm letting you stay here at all," I exclaimed while having a disgusted look on my face.

"Look Chrissie, I said I was sorry. Please don't make this about you and me ok. More importantly, I want to be here for the kids if you'll let me. By the way where are the kids?" he asked while placing his luggage on the floor.

"They're at my mother's for the night. I left a message on your phone, but I guess you didn't get it.

"No I didn't get it. I've been quite busy as you can see."

"How's Miami's condition?"

"The latest I've heard was that he's still in a coma. I'm going to the hospital in an hour once I get settled here."

"Well remember this only temporary Brian. I still have to tell the kids about you staying here until you find another place. I don't want to get their hopes up."

"I know and I understand Chrissie. Maybe we can tell them when they come home."

"Yeah, maybe we can. You can stay in the guest room. I'm not sure if it will meet your standards seeing as though you had a deluxe suite at Freddie's house, but." I said that with a cheek and tongue response because I feel like he deserves it. My sympathy only lies with Miami at this point.

"No I guess not. I'll be taking my things up stairs now. Thanks again." Brian knows how I feel about his relationship with Freddie. So his snarky attitude will only go so far with me.

"Yeah, you do that. I'll be in my study if you need me," I shrugged while turning around and walking towards that direction. Maybe I should lighten up some. Brian has been through a lot in such a short time and my curt attitude towards him is only making things worse. I have to see how things pan out while he's here.

Brian's P.O.V.

This was the last place I wanted to be at. I'm only staying here to be closer to my kids. I'm actually grateful for Chrissie letting me stay here especially after everything I've put her through. What's that saying? What goes around comes around. Well it couldn't be further from the truth. I definitely understands how she feels now. Maybe at some point I can try and repair our broken relationship. If not for her then at least for our children. My children are the most important people in my life and they deserve the very best that I can give. I have a lot to sort out while I'm here. Hopefully Chrissie continues to work with me on that. The only thing I need to overcome now is getting over Freddie which is not going to be easy. Unfortunately, I'm still in love with that bastard. Freddie was my everything. He was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. He was the man whom my kids fell in love with. He was the man who I wanted to marry. And now I'm crying because its all too much. (sniffles and sobs).

He cheated on me with Roger Taylor my best friend and I doubt I'll ever get over it. Just thinking about it makes me sick. As far as the band, I'm not sure yet. I'm not sure I can work with them again. It's still too fresh and too raw like an open wound which is something only time can heal. Right now, I have to focus on my family. I also hope Miami makes its through whatever challenges he faces. I'm heading to the hospital right now to see how he's doing. I just hope I don't run into Freddie while I'm there.

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