Chapter 17

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John's P.O.V.

I've been here at the hospital for the past few days since my Miami arrived. He suffered a major head trauma which placed him in a coma. Thankfully, the doctors were able to relieve some of the swelling that was on his brain. This coupled with high doses of pain medication and intense monitoring of his brain activity has kept him mostly stable. The doctors are very happy with the progress he's making. Moreover, they believe Miami's recovery will improve faster than anticipated. This was all explained to me when I arrived here early this morning. Myself and Miami's family couldn't be more than happy with this latest news. In fact, the nurses have just informed me that Miami is now awake. It simply is a miracle. I cannot believe it. His chances were so slim when he first arrived here and now he's awake. I quickly make my way into Miami's room and right now he is surrounded by his family. I can see that he's awake, but he's not talking. I wave to him and he gives me a small smile which is great. I can't express how I'm feeling right now, I'm just glad he's ok.

After standing by Miami's room with his family surrounding him, I was able to speak to his wife privately. She explained to me that Miami can't speak right now because his brain needs more time to heal. This explains the constant brain monitoring that he's receiving and the heavy pain medicine he's on. She also said that Miami may not talk for some time. It all depends on how fast the swelling goes down. I thanked her kindly for providing me with this information and let her know that I'm here if she needs anything. Overall, Im happy with the outcome. The only issue I have right now is my fellow band members.

In lieu of the recent discord between Freddie and Brian, I am appalled by the awful behavior displayed by my friends on the day of Miami's arrival. They absolutely showed no consideration for Miami or his family. I mean really. Freddie and Brian didn't even stick around to see how he was doing. Those arrogant bastards only thought about themselves and to hell with everyone else. Miami deserves better than that. The man literally stepped in to help us. He helped us get rid of bad management which could have ended all of our careers. He took over for us and helped us establish ourselves to get us to where we are today. And this how they repay him. Anyway enough of my ranting. It's not going to solve anything. They are the ones who will have to sleep at night knowing how they behaved, not me. Now I have to call said bastards and tell them that Miami's going to be alright. This should be fun.

I start with Roger first because he did at least come and see Miami even if he did get knocked out by Brian. He still came up to pay his respects which is more than I can say for Freddie and Brian.

I make my way over to the nurse's station and ask if I could use the phone. They graciously said I could and I thanked them for it.


"Hey Roger, its John mate."

"Oh hey John, how are you?

"I'm fine. The reason I'm calling is because Miami's awake. How soon can you get here?"

"Oh thank God. I'm so glad he pulled through this. I'm leaving now. I'll be there in few minutes."

"Ok are you sure you're going to be ok after everything that's happened? I asked.

I'm not sure how Roger's going to feel with having Freddie and Brian here because I still have to notify them too about Miami's progress.

"Yeah, why?" he mumbled with a shakiness in his voice.

"Well I just wanted to know because..Um uh ..well because I know your face was bruised pretty badly and ..uh. Look I didn't want you to feel embarrassed or anything. That's all Rog."

I was stuttering a little as I was speaking to him. I didn't want him to feel too badly about what happen to him.

"Im fine John. What happened, happened. Its done. I really don't care at this point Ok. I'm on my way," he exclaimed and sounded irritated by my concern. I just don't won't anymore problems that's all.

"Ok wait Roger, before you leave Freddie and Brian are probably going to be here. I just don't want anymore shit jumping off between you guys. I mean the man just came out of bloody coma for Christ sakes. Miami doesn't need any shit right now Ok," I exclaimed in a harsh stern tone.

"I know John and I'm sorry you had to witness that fiasco. I really am. And trust me there won't be anymore problems Ok," he explained quietly while I was biting my finger nail. I'm still a bit nervous at how all this will turn out.

The only person that matters right now is Miami and I be damned if they start their shit up again!

"OK Rog. Miami needs us all to be there for him not tearing each others heads off," I exclaimed.

"Relax John. It won't be like that again ok. Now let me go and I'll see you soon," he assured me and then we both hung up the phone.

My next pone call is to Freddie. He was a right mess the last time I saw him. I'm not sure he'll even respond to my phone call, but I'll try anyway. Hopefully, he's managing better with his current situation which I doubt, but there's always hope.

"Hello. You've reached Garden Lodge." The voice on the phone sounded like Phoebe. He has a distinct accent and I know its him answering.

"Hi Phoebe, its John calling."

"Oh hey John, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Is Freddie available?" I murmured with a hint of a urgency in my voice.

"Hang on John. Let me see ok. He's been out of it for the past couple of days, but hold on a minute," he stammered and I just stood by and waited for his return.

Phoebe really is a good assistant for Freddie. Much better than that arsehole Paul was. I would never tell Freddie that. I'm just glad they got rid of him before he could do anymore damage. But, that's another story for another time. Right now I'm still waiting for Phoebe to come back to the phone.

"Hey John, its still Phoebe here. When I peaked into his room he was passed out. I saw an empty vodka bottle on his bedside table. I'm sorry John. Is there anything you want me to tell him when he wakes up?"

"Yes, just tell him Miami is awake and tell him to get over here as soon as he can. I mean it Phoebe. As soon as he wakes up, tell him to get here ASAP," I exclaimed.

"Ok John. Will do and send Miami my regards please."

"Ok Phoebe, I will. I'll talk to you soon," I muttered and we both hung up the phone.

I didn't have to call Brian because he just walked in.

"Hey John."

"Brian," was all I managed to say and he could see the disappointed expression on my face.

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