Burritos, Tacos & Pizza

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Work was pretty busy today and I was pretty glad that my shift was over. Gena and Tyler came in earlier to get Tyler a mini skateboard and I'd teach him how to skateboard.

He always pretends he's skateboarding or surfing while standing on the sofa or if we went to the beach, he'd stand on a rock. It's the cutest thing ever and he demanded that I taught him how to skateboard.

I slipped on my jacket and pulled my phone out and texted Mason to pick me up and If he'd hang out for a while.

Mason hasn't graduated yet so with us being together, we have a sort of routine if that's what you'd call it. While he's at school, I'm in the store working, with the film guys getting demo videos done, or at home in my studio and sometimes spending time with Gena and Tyler, or being a lazy shit.

Mason has created a band and he's got himself a few gigs in town, and we've all got our fingers crossed to see if someone will sign them.

His band is called, Motionless Bodies. They have an EP recorded and hand them out. Mason had recently gotten a weeks detention for throwing a bunch of their EP'S off the balcony and putting their CD in the stereos all around the school and playing them all at once.

His dad thought it was hilarious so he wasn't bothered by him getting a weeks detention. His dad is used to things like that, I guess you could say my dad is too. But he doesn't have to anymore, because school has finished for me and I'm building up my future.

Although I miss messing with the teachers, I'm glad I don't go to school anymore. School wasn't particularly my thing in the first place, it was never something that I enjoyed.

Mason and I were now sitting in my living room watching cartoons while we waited for Gena and Tyler to come back with dinner, which consisted of tacos, burritos and pizza.

It was Friday today so Mason didn't need to go to school tomorrow, so he decided to crash here and as he claims to be family time.

That was always something that made me smile. He was my best friend and the best person in the world to me. My family have one half of my heart and he has the other.

My dad and the guys should be home in a week or so, I'm pretty stocked for them coming back because I've missed them all. I miss messing with Johnny, cuddles from Matt, stealing sips of Brian's beer when he's not looking, guitar session with my dad, and going wild with Jimmy.

Jimmy and I are like peas in a pod. He's my partner in crime and not just my uncle but my bestfriend. I understand that it's hard to not miss family if they're away, because I miss them everyday when they're on tour.


This is pretty short I know and I'm sorry. I've had this written for months but I kept deleting it because I didn't like it and that's pretty much happening with all my stories, this is probably really shit and again I'm sorry but hold on, I'm planning something new for all my posted stories and there's new stories coming soon!

Feedback on this would be great, thanks xo

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