Chapter 20

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Finally the dreaded day arrived. I stood outside the ball room/ throne  room with a sense of déjà vu. How many times had I not done this. I took a deep breath before walking through  the double doors when my grandfather called my name. The room had been transformed and any other day I would take the time to observe the beauty of it but not today. I kept my eyes forward shoulders strait and chin up. I made my way to the front of the room walking through  the crowd who bowed as I passed them.

The ceremony was running smoothly. Jaxton on my left and my grandparents on my left. It was calm the elders had recited the sacred scripts and I taken my vows to protect  my subjects. Right when I was about to be crowned  one of the windows shattered. Automatically my eyes wandered to where I had last seen Rayle. I watched as Culten picked her up and exited the room Josh and the others following shortly after. Those few seconds distraction where enough for someone to get behind me and press a knife to my throat. Instinctively I grabbed the persons hand and moved the knife away from me. My heart broke when I saw who it was that held the knife to my  throat. The person I last expected this betrayal from... Jaxton. He stood  in front of me holding me up by my neck a blank expression on his face almost zombie like.

"What are you doing Jaxton?" my grandfather demanded glaring at him reaching out to pull me away from Jaxton but he saw this coming and flashed us across the room next to the shattered window slamming me against the wall leaving a dent in the wall.

"Jaxton please don't do this. Anybody but you!" I begged not being able to hold in my emotions. I felt so betrayed, used, and stupid. His facial expression didn't change his eyes were foggy. It was as if he did not hear a word I said almost as if he was compelled. By this time the room was in complete chaos the whole room turned into a battle field.

"Stop crying you useless child!" An all to familiar voice hissed pulling my hair ruffly. I hissed at her and she laughed bringing her hand up to slap me. "Do not disrespect your mother, Brat" she hissed barring her fangs at me. Jaxton tighten his hold on my neck his nails digging into my skin.

"Jaxton! snap out of it!" I screamed bending my knees and using the wall behind me to push off and turn us around so we both laid on the floor with him under me his hand still on my neck but all to soon I was yanked off of him by my so called mother.

"You always were a problem time to eliminate you. Just like I did with your father it's a shame really you should have died as well but those stupid mutt saved you" she hissed from the corner of my eye I could see Jaxton getting up and heading our way . Brent and Bentley tackled him to the ground before he could reach us.

"How could you! You killed your beloved!" I cried out shocked. To kill ones beloved would insure your own death being without ones beloved after finding said beloved was like living half alive.

"Oh please, That weak man was not my beloved. That pathetic excuse for a man could never compare to my beloved but I wanted power, his beloved 'died' in a tragic accident. A true shame really after all she was my twin sister. Your father wasn't suppose to die. Well not when he did. I was going to have those mutts kill you in front of him so he would annul that preposterous peace treaty and declare war against there kind. After this was done I would kill him and take over the throne." She confessed a wicked smile forming on her face.

"Your a monster" I hissed pulling away from her and landing a kick to her stomach.She just laughed and stood up dusting the imaginary dust off her gown. Jaxton stood behind her like the  mindless puppet he was being. Suddenly Rayle's words that night of her attack made sense.

"It was you! No wonder I couldn't pick up any irregular scents that night. How could you! Your own daughter! Analese 's Daughter!" I screamed trying to knock some sense into him but once again I got nothing. That vile women's laughter only making my anger intensify.

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