Chapter 14

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A/N: so last chapter I made Maribell seem strong. she is but in this chapter I want to show her vulnerable side. A peek of why finding her beloved was so important to her and why forgiving and trusting Nikko will be hard. Please let me know what you think.




"NO ONE IS ALOUD IN OUR OUT OF THE PREMISES UNTIL THIS MATTER IS RESOLVED!!!!!!" Grandfathers voice shot out throughout the ball room. I was  carefully observed the guest from a dark corner on the top railing overlooking the   ball room for any clues as to whom the culprit or culprits could be.

After the announcement of the attack my grandfather dismissed everyone sending them to their temporary rooms or guest houses untiled called for questioning. I waited until everyone  left watching each and every single one of the guest as they existed not finding what I was looking in any of them  before leaving my secluded corner and heading back to my chambers.

"You killed all of them" Jaxton took me by surprise pulling me into my sitting room. My instincts kicked in and I fought back not realizing It was my brother slamming my palm on his  his chest and kicking his thigh. He released me shoving me against the wall his hand once again going to my  throat slamming my head into  the wall.

"How could you have been so careless !!!! You of all people should know that one should always be kept alive for interrogation purposes. We have nothing now. My daughters life is in danger because of you" Jaxton  hissed tightening his grip around my neck his crazed  crimson eyes promising me pain as  his nails extended  puncturing my skin grabbing  his wrist with both of my hands I  pulled and clawed at his wrist but it was useless. Jaxton had caught his prey and he would release me until he wanted to. I could claw his arm raw at this point and he still  wouldn't realse his tight grip on my throat.

" I apologize. For caring more about the children's safety and eliminating the threat. Where were you while your child was being attacked?!" I spat back questioning his ability to protect his daughter. This only served to anger him, Jaxton pulled me away from the wall only to slam me back into it a few seconds later.

"They where with royal guards" Bentley defended himself and my brother. He did not even try to protect me against Jaxton on the contrary he looked as if he too wanted to hurt me for my mistake.

"It's is your guards you two train that they need protection from"  having heard enough of my accusations  Jaxton toss me across my sitting room. My body flew through the air knocking over the furniture and trinkets before it crashed into the far side wall across from my bedroom. Flipping my hair out of my face I turned to look in there direction to see both Jaxton  and Bentley stocked over to me eyes blazing crimson in anger. Anger they  clearly intended  to take out on me. They where both out of control there children where the only thing left of there beloveds and the thought of losing them was driving there violent actions, I understood this but that did not give them the right to attack me.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!!" Grandfather demanded walking into the room  seeing the me lying on the floor his presence stoping Jaxton and Bentley's form getting  any closer to me. Culten and Brent behind him stood behind my Grandfathers I knew they wanted to come stand by my side but my Grandfather was blocking the enterence.  At the same time as my Grandfathers had spoken my room door was thrown open creating a loud thump as it smashed into the wall.  Nikko no it was my beast  stocked out making a beeline twords me. I could tell it was my beast because Nikko's  eyes  where pitch black, his strides confidant as he walked over to stand in front of me his  muscles bulking up claws digging into his palms.  My beast had come to protect me just as he'd promised me even after I'd betrayed him and caused him heart ache. Picking my self off the floor  I allowed my beast to protect me  using Nikko's  tall muscular frame as a wall between myself and the ones who wanted to hurt me placing my palm flat against his back finding the comfort I desired in the delicious sparks that flowed through my body when ever I touched my beloved bare skin.

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