"Well, without a drink I may get dehydrated," Vince said dramatically, "I think I need to sit down."

He sat just close enough to make our thighs touch. Breathing him in made me relax slightly.

"I've spent a lot of my life traveling and, in my opinion, you're the most stunning woman I've ever laid eyes on," Vince said, his eyes sincere.

"Well, then you haven't been traveling to the right places." I said in a matter-of-fact fashion.

"I came here, didn't I?" Vince said.

He has stumped me with that reply. I wasn't sure where else to lead the conversation so I decided just to ignore him. I had been playing on the defensive side and it wasn't how I wanted to flirt, so I stood up and walked away from Vince.

"May I sit?" I asked Kaleb.

"My lap is free." Kaleb gave me a gleeful smile.

I ignored him and took the seat next to him. He gazed at me like I was prey which made me more uncomfortable than he probably intended. I had absolutely no idea what to do after this point.

"I love your glasses," Kaleb commented.

"Thanks," I said, feeling slightly awkward.

"Can you see far away or close?" Kaleb asked.

"I'm nearsighted," I said.

"Perfect, then you won't need these to see me," Kaleb said, grabbing my glasses off my face.

I reached for my glasses, but they were held out of my reach. I pout, probably reacting like a small child because Kaleb was acting like one too. I bat my eyelashes in his direction, hoping he would give in to me.

"You'll get these back when you seduce me." Kaleb waved the glasses in front of my face.

"Handsome, can I have them back," I gave him my best pouty mouth, "Please."

"I am not seduced," Kaleb said.

"I know this is practice, but I'm not comfortable flirting with anyone but my boyfriend." I threw my hands in the air from my frustration.

A collective groan sounded from the guys in the room. All but Alexis seemed annoyed with my change in mood.

"If you went home right now and told your boyfriend you had the opportunity to learn from masters on how to seduce him and felt uncomfortable and didn't, would he be happy?" Alexis asked.

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"This will benefit him, and if you ever break up, it will benefit you too," Alexis said.

"Fine," I groaned, "I'll continue."

I sat back in my seat, searching for a nonexistent form of comfort. The room felt hotter and I was worried I would start to sweat under the pressure. I absolutely sucked at flirting and it was more than obvious to these so called experts.

I placed my hand on Kaleb's lower thigh, "I prefer not to ask more than once, but can I have my glasses back?"

"Why do you need them?"

"I came over here because I thought you were attractive and now you're stealing my ability to see you." I tried to purr.

Kaleb handed the glasses back, and I greedily took them. However, with them on, it was clear that I had no other game plan than to get them back on my face. I hated being required to think on my feet, usually stumbling in the process.

"This is too fucking hard." I slouched in my chair like gravity had become too heavy for me to handle.

"That's because you don't want to. You've been acting like this is a chore instead of something you actually want. It's no surprise you suck," Vince said, no malice in his voice.

"I don't want this. I don't want to have to seduce a man I'm already with. I don't want to flirt with other men to somehow improve my relationship. I just want him to focus on me," I complained.

Vince stood up, extending his hand to lift me to my feet. I allowed him to do so, believing we were done with this exercise and I could finally get into my own clothes. Instead, he stopped me as I rose to my feet.

The shadow from his body hung over mine, "I don't think he's right for you if you have to fight for his attention."

His eyes looked deep into mine, forming a connection I wasn't ready to make. Eyes locked together like magnets, he continued, "Anyone would be an idiot to ignore you, especially with how stubborn you are."

"I am not stubborn, I just believe what I believe," I mumbled, just trying to fill the silence. 

"I think you're gorgeous and it would be hell to keep my eyes off of you." Vince adjusted the glasses on my face.

I simply nodded, not able to form any counter argument. I had been trying too hard, and maybe it was best I didn't try at all. It was freeing to allow myself relief from all the overbearing activities I used to partake in.

Nick was a grown man, and he didn't need me to explain to him how to be in a relationship. It had always been sink or swim, and I was sure both options seemed like a losing game. To sink was to lose the man I cared for, and to swim was to get stuck somewhere I wasn't sure I wanted to be.

In the back of my head, I knew I wanted Nick to swim, and so the waiting game would ensue.

VinceWhere stories live. Discover now