CH29: Waiting Game

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King Kai: IDIOT!!!

Y/N winced in pain as King Kai grabbed his collar, shaking him back and forth. While it wasn't as bad as it had been hours prior, it still wasn't a pleasant feeling.

King Kai: Your little tantrum could mean the end of a lot of people! You fool!

Goku: What do you mean? Sure, it was strong. But...

King Kai let go of Y/N, wiping his forehead with a towel. He sighed, staring up at the purple sky. in King Yemmas realm.

King Kai: I don't know how, but Y/N released a power on a handful of beings can use.

Y/N: Big dick energy?

King Kai: W-what? No. Energy of Destruction, a power only wielded by the Gods of Destructions and those who will succeed them.

Y/N: Wait. Isn't that what Rias uses?

King Kai: The Gremory? I looked into it, and it seems that her clan is a descendant of a God of Destruction. Though that power is nothing compared to the real thing.

Y/N smirked. Chuckling as a rather evil light shined in his eyes.

Y/N: I can't wait to rub it in her face.

King Kai jumped up, grabbing Y/Ns collar again. 

King Kai: You won't be able to if things go bad! Because of your surge of energy, you woke up a being that can destroy us all!

Goku: So they're strong?

King Kai: He is the strongest being in this universe! The God of Destruction...Lord Beerus.




Y/N: I feel like there should be lightning-


Y/N: There it is. A little late though.

King Kai: I feel like your not taking this seriously, Y/N.

Y/N: I mean, we go through this every month. Something happens, and this new fighter comes who is stronger than the main character, who either trains a lot or gets a random boost cause plot. Excuse me for not being shocked.

Goku: Right! All we need to do is fight this guy and he'll leave us alone. Works every time!

King Kai: How many times have you fought Frieza now?

Y/N: Anyway, I'm going to assume that diplomacy won't work on this guy since your so stressed.

King Kai: Well yes, but actually no. What usually determines if a planet is destroyed is the food they bring him.

Y/N sighed, rubbing his hand through his hair.

Y/N: What a perfect time to have my body all fucked up. If only I had more time...

Goku: Yeah, maybe if you had a few months you'd be ready...

King Kai: Then use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber-

Both Y/N and Goku stood in thought for a moment. 

Y/N: Hmmmmm.

Goku: Hmmmmm.

Bubbles, who had been playing on the other side of King Kai's planet, ran up behind King Kai.

Bubbles: Hm?

Y/N/Goku: I got it! The Hyperbolic Time Chamber!

King Kai: Why do I even bother...

Goku: Thanks, King Kai!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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