The Queens Landing

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No sound broke through the barrier Jamie had put up. He had to ring the bells. People were fighting to get into the castle walls, pushing and pulling in all directions. He had to ring the bells. He couldn't get to Cersie. He had to ring the bells. Thoughts of Aleyah flashed through his head and he realised the gates were shut. A panic flooded through him as he realised he couldn't save the city. He couldn't save these innocent people. He had to ring the goddamn bells. Forcefully he pushed his way past mother's and children and Lannister soldiers to reach the bell tower. He finally struck it loud and clear. The bells were the surrender. He felt his shoulders hunch under the pressure of now getting to Cersie and convincing her to live for their child.

Jon watched as dragon fire attacked the Lannister army from the back. He sighed as the bells rang. A feeling of relief that his men wouldn't have to endure another battle made his heart lift. Daenerys landed her dragon and shook her head as she walked into Jon's open embrace. She had done it, she would finally sit on the iron throne. Jon gently rubbed her cheek and she leaned up to kiss him.
"Jamie just needs to do his job," Jon whispers and Dany nods. She watched as the bells stopped ringing and she just hoped Jamie could do it.

Tyrion watched as Sansa and Aleyah walked around together. It had taken them a month to arrive in Kingslanding and they were rumoured to be finally attacking. Aleyahs hands rested firmly on her swollen belly and Sansa smiled enjoying having her older sister for company. The pair were really the northern beauties they were rumoured to be. Sansa has her crystal eyes and her flaming Tulley hair from her mother. But Aleyah was the definition of a Stark. Dark hair and deep blue eyes. Both stood proud of their name and theirselves for all they had stood through. Tyrion thought about the fact that they had faced every tragedy that had been thrown at them, and still survived. They still commanded the north. He realised who would be a better queen than the unstable and deteriorating Daenerys.
"Thinking about something?" Sana'a asks as they walk underneath his balcony. He smiles and shakes his head. There was one person who had the respect of every northerner and commanded one of the biggest armies in the seven kingdoms. He stared at Aleyah wondering how he could get her on the throne.

Jamie ran through the palace recognised by Cersies guards and allowed to pass through. He finds her walking down the stairs into the red keep. They stare each other down and he noticed her bump starting develop. She placed her hand over it and silently Jamie reached for hers. She took it and leaned in for a kiss.
"Cersie," He whispers and she looks up and feels tears in her eyes.
"I don't want to die, don't let us die Jamie!" She begs and he nods pulls her into his chest as his love for his sister started to burn like raging fire. He stared at her and realised he was kidding himself saying he didn't love her. He couldn't choose between his sister and his wife. Slowly they linked hands and he brought her out of the red keep.
"I'm going to try and get you a deal, you surrender the throne and you could come live at Casterly Rock with me, our baby!" Jamie asks and Cersie spits on the floor and laughs.
"You take me near your wife and I'll kill her! Pregnant or not!" She cackles and Jamie sighs and slowly injects her with a sleeping agent the Maesters gave to him. His love was fading and so was his patience. He just wanted to get back and see Aleyah. Slowly he placed Cersie careful over his shoulders and began the walk through the city. People stared as he marched on determined to take the knee to the new queen and give her this prize. He had given her the old queen to do with as she pleased. Jamie looked up and thought about the fact he was also carrying his child. He had three children on the way. He had to protect all three of them as a priority.

Aleyah sighed as the babies turned again. She was worried that they were going to come early and decided to go and see the Maester. Gently he pressed on her belly and examined her thoroughly. He watched her face closely and observed the nervous excitement to meet her children.
"So?" She asked quietly, sitting herself up and rearranging her dress. He smiled and shrugged.
"I believe they'll stay in until their ready to come, and that may be a little early if they get slightly cramped, but you should still have two or three moons before they arrive," He nods and she smiles and looks down. She rubbed her bump again and sighed wondering if Jamie would come home soon. 

Jamie arrived at the gates to the city and he lay Cersie on the ground gently. Jon and Dany wondered over and Dany felt a weight lift off of her shoulders. She had taken back the throne, taken back her families birthright. Jon smiled at the love of his life and she felt tears sliding down her face.
"She will stand trial for her crimes, once she gives birth the baby will be given to you and Aleyah to raise!" She orders and Jamie's eyebrows crease.
"You'd force Aleyah to raise a baby created by her husbands affair?" Jon asks feeling his frustration rising. Dany raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"It would give me a good enough excuse to be able to execute her!" She nods down at Cersie and Jamie stands.
"Execute?" He asks feeling anger rising in his chest. He shakes his head and laughs.
"I took the knee, I fought for you against the dead, I bring you my sister and for what? I'm going home to my wife and I'm going to take her home to Casterly Rock!" He snaps and Jon finds himself laughing.
"Home? She already is home in the North! You can take her out of the north Jamie but you will never take the north out of her!" He laughs at Jamie's words suggesting he could tame Aleyah. Jamie stared at them angrily before hopping onto his horse and turning to the North. He focused solely on Aleyah and bringing her home to birth her children.

Dany kept Cersie in chains in the basement as she marched up and down the red keep. Jon grimaced as she spoke of burning her at the stake.
"You know of the Mad King? What he did to people?" He asks and she looks up and feels a fear seep through her.
"Am I turning into my father?" She asks and he shakes his head and allows her to enter the embrace she was asking for.
"I won't let that happen!" He promises and she leans up to kiss him softly.

Aleyah sat with Sansa as she made baby clothes for the expectant mother. The two girls chatted away and Tyrion watched with the most important lie to ever grace Lord Varys hands. He sent it by raven and sighed as he realised that this could begin the war to end all wars.

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