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Aleyah stood outside the sept as Tyrion was dragged to her by guards.
"Oh don't be silly!" She gasps stopping them being so rough.
"Take his chains off! It's not proper for a wedding!" She snaps angrily and the guards do as she says. Tyrion looks up at her and sees her mothers dress and her fathers cloak.
"You're so beautiful Aleyah. Your mother really shines through you tonight," He offers and she smiles happily. Tyrion takes her hand as the doors open. She walks into the Sept and watches as heads turn and people gasp.
"Just like Catlyn," Littlefinger whispers causing people to roll their eyes. His obsession with Neds wife wasn't news around here. Jamie looked up and saw her stood in front of him. Her dress accentuated all of her greatest assets and her smile showed him she was just amazed. Her cheeks glowed pink and her eyes sparkled with excitement. She never thought she would be marrying a Lannister, or that she would be so happy about it. Tyrion gently lets go of her hand placing a kiss to her knuckles. Slowly she gets on her knees to allow him to remove her fathers cloak. Tywin holds it close to him so her fathers remains can be kept with his cloak. Jamie takes off his own cloak wrapping it around the the young girl. She smiled as their bodies pressed against each other. He smiled back and they both laughed before linking their hands.

Tyrion smiled as he watched Aleyah dance with Jamie across the hall. She was so beautifully distracted and she had managed to actually enjoy her wedding. Tyrion watched as Lord Varys approaches.
"Come with me, a chance to end your father and escape, bring the rightful heir of Daenerys Targaryen back to Westeros," He whispers and Tyrion nods. Jamie brings Aleyah over and they both stare at Tyrion. Aleyah thought he would be going back to his cell. Jamie knew better.
"My Lady Aleyah, be safe my little wolf and keep your family safe," Tyrion smiles kissing her cheek as she embraces him tightly.
"You'll be fine Tyrion," she whispers a promise and he nods as he lets go of the only sister that's actually loved him. Even if she didn't know it. Jamie embraced his brother and slowly sighs.
"Be safe Tyrion," He advises and Tyrion disappears into the shadows as Jamie and Aleyah head back to their feast.

Jamie watched as Aleyah packed her fathers cloak into her bag. She just wanted her families bones back resting peacefully.
"We will visit Winterfell, get Arya and Sansa there," He promises and Aleyah sighs as she looks at Jamie promising her what she wanted.
"I love you," She whispers and Jamie takes a deep breath before answering with a deep kiss to her lips. His hands ruin her neatly placed hair and her hands lay on his chest. Finally Cersie couldn't stop them. She should be safe.
"That was an I love you too by the way," Jamie laughs and she giggles and picks up her bag.
"It's a long journey to Casterly Rock," She answers and he rolls his eyes.
"We'll be there by morning Aleyah, you'll be fine," He smiles and slowly they leave for Casterly Rock.

Cersie listens at the door as she hears Aleyah uttering words she couldn't have expected. It was like someone had ripped her heart out of her chest.
"That was an I love you too by the way," She hears Jamie state. Tears fall down her face and she storms off to her room. She watched the happy couple load there things into the carriage before the horses pull off. Her heart was hurting badly now that her own twin had betrayed her. Aleyah was a beautiful kind girl and Cersie had done nothing but hurt her. Maybe this was karma for that.

Tyrion grabbed the crossbow and arrow and found his father sitting over a chamber pot.
"Oh look at you," Tyrion laughs causing Tywin to look up. He glared at his father and shot one arrow. Tywin stares at his son as the arrow pierced his heart. Shock registered on the Old lions face before his life left his body. Tyrion threw the crossbow to the floor and left with Lord Varys.

A lady ran into the room with a panicked look all over her elderly face. Sweaty curls framed her face and she shook her head in shock.
"What?" Cersie snapped getting impatient.
"Your father, Tyrion has escaped and someone killed your father," She gasps and Cersie sinks to the floor in grief. Her heart physically hurt and tears spilled down her pale flawless skin. She couldn't help the screams that tore through her body. Her son and her father? In one week? How much could the gods test one woman? She needed her brother. And he was out with his new wife. Anger and pain fuelled through Cersies blood and she felt herself changing.

Cersie wore her black dress and roamed the castle. One of the counsel stopped her suddenly and she glanced at him.
"Ned Starks bones?" He asks and she realised she had a choice to make. Let him rest like her father would want to or destroy Aleyahs trust in her family and in turn in Jamie.
"Burn them, and send word to the Frey's that they are to burn Robb and Catlyns too," She orders and the man nods his face confused and shocked at the answer he had received. She was going to take this country by storm. She would break Aleyah until she couldn't even function anymore. She would be able to bear no children and give Jamie nothing of what he wanted. She would bring no heirs and therefore Jamie would come back to his fertile beautiful twin sister. Jamie would come back.
"Also take away the title of Warden of the North, we are taking it away and there are no longer any Starks, so burn down Winterfell," Cersie orders and Tommen watches his mothers spiteful behaviour from afar.
"As future king you will not be burning anything! Send Neds bones to Winterfell and order the Freys to do it from their King!" Tommen orders and Cersie sighs wiping her eyes. Another act she would have to master.
"Yes Tommen you are so right! I'm so sorry I don't know what I was thinking about then," She sighs sadly and Tommen embraces his mother understandingly. She would find another way to destroy Aleyah.

Aleyah woke to look up at her new home. The sun was warm and she could smell the sea still. Jamie was still asleep with his arms around her and she smiled as she listened to his breathing.
"Morning," He smiles opening one his left eye. Aleyah giggled as she looked out of the Carriage to see Casterly Rock. It was huge and sat on top of a seaside cliff. Almost as beautiful as Winterfell. Maybe Casterly Rock could be their home for half the year and Winterfell the other.
"Aleyah welcome home," Jamie smiles as the carriage pulls to a stop. She climbs out and sees two horses being loosened.
"Here my wife," Jamie smiles lifting Aleyah onto the saddle and climbing into his own. Aleyah looked up at him through her eyelashes and smiled. Finally they were united and they could finally be happy.

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