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Sansa watched her sister sleep peacefully as the seaweed wraps healed the stings on her leg. Jamie sat next to the young girl watching Aleyah. His feelings had grown immensely for the young girl and he had started to try and work on things with Sansa.
"She will be fine, she's a fighter," He sighs and Sansa looks to the ceiling before turning to Jamie. He watched as her eyes showed the pain she was feeling. This fourteen year old girl had only her sister as her family there for her. He suddenly realised how she must be feeling. Alone, stressed, scared and grieving half of her family.
"Jamie, I don't understand what happened between you both but I appreciate your care for my sister and how you protect her," She states and Jamie's face drops. Sansa smirks at the surprise on his face and slowly she takes his hand.
"We must stick together with her, keep her sane and keep her mind busy with things to do," Sansa nodded and Jamie nodded in agreement. He stared at his soon to be sister-in-law and gently brought her hand to his lips. She deserved the respect that her body posture and face were now demanding.
"Unfortunately I have a little plan of your sisters to go and finalise but I will be back soon my lady," He states and Sansa nods and watches as he leaves quietly. Aleyah stirs in her slumber and Sansa patiently watches, waiting for her sister to wake.

"Tyrion you are sure of this?" Jamie asks as they head to the jousting area. A cold wind caused them both to shiver as a man stood in the middle of the area.
"Meet Bronn," Tyrion smiles and the man smiles at Jamie.
"Alright Kingslayer?" He says with an unplaced accent. Jamie couldn't figure it out and nodded silently.
"It's about a week journey to the wall without stopping but with two young girls about a week and a half, I'll accompany you and take you too Castle Black yes?" Bronn asks and Jamie nods.
"Sansa Stark is to stay there and Aleyah will come back, we say that Sansa was taken along the journey back. Also they must not learn of their brothers fates in Winterfell!" Jamie warns and Bronn nods.
"And for this I get what?" Bronn asks and Tyrion sighs and throws him a bag of money.
"Plus I will get you knighted and get you your own keep," He adds and Bronn nods.
"As soon as Aleyah wakes, we will leave for Castle Black," He suggests and Jamie nods shaking his hand. The deal was done and Sansa would be safe just like Aleyah had planned.

Jamie walked into Aleyahs room and saw her and Sansa stood on the balcony talking. He slowly shut the door alerting them to his presence.
"I won't marry Tyrion and Jon will keep me safe? Meanwhile you get a good looking husband, one who will keep you safe?" Sansa asks and Aleyah nods.
"We leave tomorrow morning Sansa go pack and get a good nights sleep," She smiles and Sansa nods leaving with a smile to Jamie. Jamie's eyes travelled up and down Aleyahs body. She was wearing just a shirt and undergarments still because her leg was still sore, covered in red welts up and down it. Jamie slowly took her hand in his and sighed.
"What did the Maesters say?" He asks and she smiles at his eyes concern for her.
"I'm grieving, stressed, hormonal, tired and need to get away from Kingslanding for a little while," She smiles and he laughs and presses a tender kiss to her temple.
"I'll give you one of my shirts to wear tomorrow, it will be big enough to cover you while not touching your leg. Also the Maesters have given me seaweed wraps to put on your leg before your winter clothes to stop any pain from them," He explains and she looks down and nods with a smile. Although she hadn't entirely forgiven him for the Bran situation she did believe he truly cared for her and he truly wanted her to be happy. Wind blew between them flicking blonde locks into Jamie's face and dark curls over Aleyahs shoulder. A comfortable silence hung between them, small smiles on their faces warmed by the setting rays. Aleyah nodded and limped to her packed case.
"Well then Jamie Lannister, Kingslayer, ex-knight, I will retire to my bed and meet you in the morning shall I?" She teases and he laughs and sits in the chair next to her bed.
"I'll wait here until you are asleep my lady," He smiles and she smiles back. Jamie hadn't ever smiled this much, looked this happy. Did she really make him happier than his own twin did? No wonder Cersie had a hit out on her. Did Jamie know? Who cares she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Aleyah woke to Jamie shaking her shoulder and placing a finger to his lips. She slowly dresses into the shirt and shoes he had brought her. The sun hadn't risen and the winds still blowing quite chilly as they head down to the stables. Jamie clips a Lannister cloak around Aleyahs shoulders and Sansa and Bronn appear wearing the same cloaks. Silently they mount their horses and ride quietly away from Kingslanding.

Aleyah watched as they rode fast towards the North. The sun was rising over the hills and warming the air around them. Sansa pulled her hood down revealing black hair and Aleyah nearly screamed.
"What the actual? Where's your Tully coloured locks?" She gasps making everyone smile. Sansa looks down before looking at Bronn.
"I got ink dumped on my hair to dye it so I wasn't recognisable," She explains and Aleyah nods calming down. Jamie smiled as they rode on together.

They had been riding almost all day when they finally came to an inn at the crossroads. Sansa climbed down and helped Aleyah.
"Lannister?" A gruff voice called and they turned to see the hound. He stood with Arya behind him. Aleyah and Sansa ran to her and held her tightly. She held them both back as all three cried and cried.
"Arya where have you been? Where did you go?" Sansa begs and Arya stands wiping her eyes.
"I was in Bravoos for a while, I've been all over really," She explains and Aleyah stands up wobbling slightly.
"Clegane right?" She asks and the hound nods.
"Why is my sister with you?" She asks and he nods and smiles.
"I'm taking her back to Winterfell, after Theon overtook it and killed your brothers," He states and Jamie groans as he looks down. Aleyah turns and looks at Sansa before staring at Jamie.
"Did you know?" She asks and he stares into her eyes as they gloss with anger instead of tears. Theon was like a brother to them all and he'd betrayed them all.
"I'll kill him! I'll shoot an arrow through his stupid ugly skull! I'll hang him from Winterfells tower and break every bone in his body!" Aleyah snaps. Sansa and Arya watch as she paces limping slightly on her still injured leg. Jamie sighs and gently takes her hand. Everyone at the Inn was staring and Bronn rocked on his heels before gripping his sword helm.
"Well I suggest we mount a horse each and carry on until dark," He suggests and Jamie and Clegane agree with nods. Aleyah helps Arya onto her horse and climbs on behind her. She had shorter hair and boys clothes on. She also had her own sword. This worried Aleyah but as soon as they were at the wall they would all be safe.

Aleyah tied her horse up and tapped Jamie's arm. He turned and looked down into her beautiful blue eyes.
"Can you wrap my leg? I'm getting cold and we're getting further north," She asks and he nods and takes her behind some trees. Sansa stands on the other side silently listening.
"They should quicken the healing too Aleyah," Jamie smiles and she nods wincing as he begins to wrap them. Sansa listens to their conversation intensely finding anyway she could get rid of the Kingslayer.
"Aleyah stop moving or they won't stick to you," Jamie murmurs and she winces again.
"I'm sorry it hurts!" She snaps and he sighs and quickly finishes up. He helps he slide on her trousers and boots relatively painlessly. She kept Jamie's shirt on and walked back round startling Sansa.
"Sister?" Aleyah asks and Sansa shrugs.
"Waiting to go to the toilet," Sansa sighs and Aleyah nods with a smile. Arya sat with Bronn talking about their swords.
"I called it needle," She smiles and the hound grunts.
"Of course you baked your sword," He murmurs and Arya stares at him.
"Lots of people name their swords actually!" Arya defends making Aleyah smile at the relationship the two had developed over their time travelling together.
"Lots of cunts," The hound snaps back making even Jamie smile.
"Well with that I think we should all go to sleep," Sansa snaps making everyone jump.
"I'll take first watch," Jamie says sitting on a log next to where Aleyah was lay. Everyone lay on there blankets with their cloaks over them for warmth. Silently Aleyah slid her hand into Jamie's wondering how on earth her life had spiralled so far.

Call of the LionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora