Green eyed beast

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Aleyah laughed as Jamie carried her up the stairs of Casterly Rock. Everyone watched with a smile at the happiness on both of their faces. Ruling under Tywin was an awful experience but the head maid had a feeling this was going to be much different. Jamie opened the master bedroom door and entered laying Aleyah on the bed. He locked the door and she giggled further as he lay next to her and looked down at her young beautiful face. Jamie laughed and started kissing her lips softly. Slowly she let him get more intense and he brought his arm around her waist.
"Are you sure you want to?" He asks and she bites her bottom lip as she nods.
"If you want to stop you just have to say Aleyah, and if it hurts let me know okay?" He asks and she nods her promise as she initiates the kiss.

Aleyah lay in the bed watching as Jamie rose to get dressed. She admired the mans naked body and smiled as he pulled on his trousers getting back into bed.
"No shirt Lannister?" She asks and he laughs as she sits up.
"Well I'll put my shirt on when your also dressed, we have some visitors on the way that I believe you're really going to want to meet!" He smiles and Aleyah looks up with a mischievous look in her eye.
"Alright I'll get dressed!" She smiles as she pulls on her hunting trousers and boots. Slowly she reaches down and picks up both her and Jamie's shirts. She slides on her own and slowly walks to the balcony as Jamie looks for his own shirt. A sly giggle makes him look up and he sees her holding his shirt over the balcony that faces the sea. The wind whips it about as her hand firmly holds it into place. Jamie rolls his eyes with a laugh and slowly walks over to her.
"Now now, if I knew you were this childish!" He exclaims causing Aleyahs heart to sink slightly. She knew she was younger but was she really that immature that it showed? He watches her expression change and quickly picks her up bridal style and holds her over the balcony.
"Then I would have started this a lot earlier than now!" He laughs and she holds on to him tightly and giggles.
"Jamie I am Lady of the Rock!" She squeals as the sea slams the rocks below her. Jamie watches the smile return to her face and realises his words will have huge impacts on her. He must always keep her loved and happy. Slowly he put her down and she passed him the shirt.
"Now you're sure I didn't hurt you too much?" He asks and she nods and does a little jump to prove it. He laughs and takes her hand before walking into the corridor. Aleyah looked up and smiled at the headmaid.
"My lady," She greets Aleyah and Aleyah smiles as Jamie squeezes her hand.
"Jennifer is the head of the maids, anything you need she can arrange it for you!" Jamie smiles and Jennifer nods back. Aleyah noticed the aged lines on her face but the sparkle of youth in her eyes. Aleyah nods. The two women smiled and Jamie realised that the staff here were ready for a new leader.
"I'll change your sheets, meanwhile a messenger has landed outside the gates for you!" She informs Jamie and he nods and takes Aleyahs hand.
"Now Ladies usually wear dresses and hair beautiful hairstyles but knowing you, I'll have your horse looked after in the stables," Jamie smiles and Aleyah nods and smiles.
"Jamie, i am happy with our marriage you know," She smiles and slowly he presses his lips to her forehead. Jennifer and the other maids smiled at such a sweet show of affection. Slowly they walked together down into the great hall where the messenger boy was being fed and watered.
"My Lord, oh my Lady also," He answers shocked to see Aleyah at Jamie's side.
"You bring a message I am told?" Jamie asks and the boy nods. Aleyah notices he was no older than Bran would be. She sighs sadly and beckons one of the maids over.
"Prepare him a bed for the night, he is too tired to ride through the night," She asks and the lady nods and bows her head before leaving. The young boy watches the pair and sighs sadly.
"I have to sadly inform you that your father has died, murdered by your brother who cannot be found," He informs Jamie and Aleyah gently squeezes his hand. There was no love lost between Jamie and his father but she knew the pain he would feel. He looks up sadly at Aleyah and sighs.
"Cersie is planning on not allowing Margerie to remarry Tommen and she is taking up her power as queen mother. Your fathers bones will not be sent to Winterfell, they are to be burned along with Robb and your mothers," He informs the young girl and this time Jamie saw her face turn to stone. Her jaw tensed up and he watched the woman he loved break.
"What?" She asks and the boy nods.
"She also plans to burn down Winterfell," He answers knowing Tommen had forbidden all this and this was a ploy to hurt Aleyah. Jamie shook his head and looked at the young boy.
"Are you telling me the whole truth boy? Because my sweet wife has ordered you luxuries for tonight that I can snap away! Tell the truth!" Jamie snaps angrily noticing the look in the boys eyes. Aleyah looks up and he sighs.
"Cersie told me to lie to hurt Aleyah! She said she would kill my little sister if I didn't, and to add on more until she was crumbled in your arms," The boy answers and Aleyahs tears fall.
"How could she?" Aleyah asks and Jamie shakes his head.
"Take him to his room," Jamie snaps and the boy follows the ladies in waiting. Aleyah sighs and shakes her head. Slowly she follows the boy and sits in the room opposite him.
"You tell Cersie I'm broken, I'm hurting so bad I can't even function. Tell her you stayed the night and I couldn't even stay in the same room as Jamie. Tell her I can't even look at him because he reminds me of her!" She orders the boy and he nods. Aleyah passes him eight gold coins and he looks up.
"After your duty to Cersie is done, bring yourself and your sister to Casterly Rock and we will find jobs for you both, if you are loyal to me I will reward you," Aleyah promises and the boy nods.
"I'm Rylan by the way," He smiles and Aleyah nods.
"Rylan just do your job for me okay? I need your help to bring peace to this country!" She promises and he nods and smiles his thanks. Jamie listens outside the door and waits for her to exit. He raises an eyebrow and she shrugs.
"I'm going to hurt her Jamie!" Aleyah promises and Jamie nods. He wondered what her plan would be.

Call of the LionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin