Family first

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Jamie's horse stopped as he entered Kingslanding. His father would laying in basement where every dead member in the castle went. Cersie stood with a grin on her face. Anger fuelled through Jamie at what his sister had try to do but he had to keep up the act. He embraced her tightly and she sighed into him happily. Jamie looked at his nephew Tommen and saw he was stood with Margery.
"Let's talk in private sister," He whispers and she nods as a smile graces her face. They walked together silently to Cersies office and Jamie felt guilt travel through his veins. They entered and she sighed and looked at her brother.
"How's things at the rock?" She asked him and he gives a small laugh at the cheek of her.
"Aleyah is a useless wife, she won't even lay in my bed. I haven't even bedded her!" He lies and she laughs and covers her mouth.
"Here brother, let me help your frustrations!" Cersie offers and he steps back.
"I'm tired sister, I wish to be sent to my room with some warm food!" He asks and she nods and sighs.
"Of course, your travels have been long I apologise," She sighs and he nods kissing his sisters head. They shared the moment before he left to his room.

Aleyah woke to the Maester and handmaiden standing around her bed.
"It is stress, send word to Lord Jamie that his wife in need of some time at a place she will feel most relaxed," The maester orders and Aleyah sits up slowly. Her head spun and she felt sick but she was desperate to write to Jamie herself. Everyone watched silently as she slid out of bed and walked to her husbands office. She sat down and looked at the plain paper in front of her before dipping a quill in ink.

I miss you and I know I shouldn't but I do. Come home soon please? I'm not very well and the Maester thinks I ought to move away for a while.
Yours faithfully and forever

She stayed in the office after sending the letter looking at all of Jamie's little belongings. Her eyes focused on a pile of letters hidden in one of the cabinets. She sighed before taking them out and reading them one by one. She felt her face fall from all of the letters. All addressed to Aleyah from Jon. She found the latest one and read it slowly.

I'm left only to assume you do not want to talk with me. Arya has travelled to Winterfell to be with Sansa and Breanne of Tarth. I will send you updates if I have any, but no further letters. I'm sorry that your new elitism within society has caused you to forget your bastard brother!

Tears wells in Aleyahs eyes and she felt anger pool in her stomach. Quickly she pulled out the paper and wrote to Jon.

Jamie has been keeping all of your letters from me. I wish nothing more than to talk to you. You are not my bastard brother Jon you are my only brother. Rickon and Bran are probably dead by now and I wish I had written to you earlier! Be safe on that wall Jon. I love you,

The raven flew off towards the wall and Aleyah felt the coldness run through the room. The rest of the castle would start to feel it tonight and Winter was surely coming. She walked through the halls and made sure everyone knew how to stoke the fire and that everyone had enough food. Jennifer stopped the young girl and looked her up and down.
"Are you sure you are feeling up to running this place m'lady?" She asks and Aleyah nods before making her way to Bronn.

Tyrion looks up at the true queen and nods. Daenerys Targaryen was no longer a child and she stood staring down at him in all her glory. A blue dress with a scale like texture framed her figure and her purple eyes showed a fury that rivalled his sisters.
"You are Tyrion Lannister?" She asks and the sterness in her voice puts Tyrion on edge.
"I am my queen," He answers and her thick eyebrow raises. She takes a step forward and nods.
"Your brother killed my father, the man her took an oath to protect!" She snaps angrily and Tyrion nods.
"My brother has found his saving grace my queen, a Stark girl who is changing him into a better man everyday," Tyrion tried to defend his brother. The queen laughs and shakes her head.
"You come here to me? Why?" She snaps and Tyrion nods rocking on his heels.
"I'd like to advise you my queen, if I may continue. You know essos but you have no links within the country you wish to take over! Let me help you with allies and everything else?" Tyrion begs and the Queen shrugs and stares down the little man.

Aleyah stands with Bronn looking over the sea as the sun sets. She couldn't believe the beauty of the place but she missed her wintery hills in Winterfell. It would take roughly a week to get there and she would be able to see her sisters. But she had to sit and wait for Jamie like the good little wife she was. She hadn't wanted this life but somehow she had fallen into it.
"Bronn I apologise but I'm going to bid you goodnight!" Aleyah sighs and Bronn nods watching the poor girl leave. Her usually confident walk was barely a shuffle and her young radiant beauty was starting to change. Her bags had grown bigger and her lips stayed chapped and dry. Her usually right fitting dresses were just wraps fastened at the waist now. Her long hair wasn't braided anymore and suddenly it occurred to him that the young girl was beginning to look like a Stark version on Cersie Lannister.

Aleyah sat in Jamie's office with paper and a quill. Slowly she dipped the quill into the ink and felt herself breaking as she wrote to someone she never thought she would.
Jamie has left for Kingslanding and I am alone in this beautiful place you used to call home. But I want to go home. I wish to see my father and my mother and all of my family. I wish to live as I was up in Winterfell and I wish to embrace my sisters. I feel alone here and Jamie isn't here to make it better. I have a feeling he isn't coming back. Maybe you should, to come and keep me company? I don't know I just needed someone to talk to, and you're the closest thing I have to a brother, hope you are safe and all is well. Give my loyalty to the true queen
Aleyah Lannister-Stark x

She watched carefully as the third raven of the day she sent flew off into the sky. She only hoped that everything would resolve itself.

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