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Aleyah shook with anger and grief as her mother recalled the information about Tyrion trying to kill Bran. Her pale skin glowed with anger and her eyes watered. Catlyn watched as her daughter processed the information. Aleyah looked up at Robb and nodded.
"We need to gather the armies of the North! Tonight we go to war!" She declares storming off into the snow. Her gut twisted as she wrapped her cloak around her. Something was about to go terribly wrong and she couldn't sense what.

Jamie watched as Joffrey commanded Eddard Stark to admit to treason. Sansa had pleaded with her father. But Joffrey scowled and laughed before sentencing Ned to a beheading. The thought of Aleyahs heart breaking over her father nearly broke Jamie's. With the king and Lord Stark dying who would keep Joffrey in check? Not Cersie. She still wouldn't talk to him after the exchange at Winterfell. As the crowd screamed Jamie came to his senses and realised that a true horror battle was about to begin.

Aleyah stood and watched Robb blunt his blade against a tree as his mother comforts him. She felt hot tears drop down her cheeks as she realised her father had died. For good.
"I'm going out with the hunting party mother!" She declares before entering her tent. Quickly she pinned her hair into a bun and changed into her training trousers and top. Her leather boots sat on her thighs and she fastened her cloak before mounting her horse with a bow and arrow. She needed to escape. Jamie Lannister crossed her mind as a comforter. She rode her horse hard and fast away from the army. Moors spread in front of her and against her better senses she rode forward.

Aleyah heard horses in front of her and saw Lannister men riding around her. She pulled her bow and loaded it releasing it at her targets. She hit three men before the last nine had their bows aimed at her.
"She's a girl!" One exclaimed and she looked down before dismounting her horse.
"She's a Stark!" Another exclaimed as he glanced at her cloak clasp. She sighed and took her horses reigns.
"Well then, take me to the Lions den gentlemen," She sighs ready to throw in the towel. Her father was dead which meant her sisters soon would be, they had started a war they wouldn't finish and on top of it all she was missing the Kingslayers attention.

Tywin looked the young girl up and down before sighing.
"She came willingly? Didn't fight after you had surrounded her?" He asks and the knight nods. He looks her up and down again before nodding to the knight signalling for him to leave.
"Thank you for coming quietly. I will assign you a tent and ransom you back to your brother eventually," He murmurs looking down at his papers.
"Is that all my Lord?" Aleyah asks respectfully. She hoped this would put her in good favour with the old Lion. He gave a small fake smile and nodded for her to leave. A knight took her to her tent and then stood outside guarding it. Aleyah finally felt the grief and melancholy hit her and the tears flowed constantly. Sobs wracked her chest and she struggled to breath through her grief.

Jamie groaned as he stayed in the cage captured by the Stark boy. He had heard Aleyah was here but hadn't seen her kind eyes or humble smile yet.
"What in the seven gods do you mean your sister was captured! By Tywin Lannister?!" Lady Stark hissed at her eldest child. Jamie sighed and leaned against the cage watching the exchange.
"You will have to swap him back! Get her home safe in Winterfell!" She groaned eyeing up the kingslayer. Jamie wondered at the idea of seeing Aleyah again. If she would even want to after everything with her father. He should of stopped it. But he was distracted with her brothers army fighting his father. Eddard Stark had no reason to die. Stupid Joffrey. How could his sperm have made such a messed up boy? He looked up as Robb shook his head.
"We keep him alive and Tywin will keep Aleyah alive!" He says and Jamie sighs rolling his eyes. He coughed slightly and whistled.
"You who, if I may propose something? You and some of your men walk me into my fathers camp and we will release Aleyah to you?" He offers and Robb laughs and shakes his head in disbelief. Lady Stark sighs and storms off quietly.
"No more proposals from you Kingslayer!" Robb snaps.

Aleyah held her knees to her chest as a guard delivered her food.
"Thank you Ser," She murmurs and he raises an eyebrow nodding. He watches as the young girl picks at the food on the plate. Sighing he walks over to her slower, kinder more gently.
"My Lady is there any food in particular I could find you to eat?" He asks and she shakes her head softly.
"No thank you Ser, this will be fine for dinner," She nods and he sighs at her respect and kindness before leaving. She picked at the meat eating bits of it with her fingers before curling up into a ball and closing her tired red eyes.

Jamie silently unlocked to cage door with the key he had stolen from the guard. He wasn't being watched right now as the Starks believed him to be secure. His horse was tied up with food and he quickly jumped into the saddle and rode towards his fathers camp. The first person he wanted to check on was Aleyah. He was worried about his fathers soldiers and how they would act, how his father wouldn't care. He rode harder and made his way to the Lannister flags.

Aleyah awoke to horns sounding and men scurrying past her tent. She rose softly smoothing out her trousers before emerging into the early sunrise. Her guard nodded towards the hill and she saw the golden armour of Jamie Lannister himself. His hair swished behind him as he rode towards the camp.
"Kingslayer," She whispered affectionately. She stood by her tent as Tywin stood by his own. He nodded to the guard who brought her over to him and they stood together. Jamie stopped his horse in front of them dismounting him quickly. He shook his fathers hand and surprised the young Stark by embracing her tightly. His smell engulfed her and for the first time since her father had left Winterfell she felt a comfort around her.
"Oh Jamie," She whispered just loud enough for him to hear. He took a step back and looked her up and down. Her hair fell out of a messy bun and her eyes were red raw with tears. Mud dotted about her shirt and trousers and her cloak had a tear in it. She watched his eyes gaze over her face as he turned back to his father.
"We need to get her home to her family father," He suggests wiping some of the mud from his armour. Tywin nods and looks at the girl.
"She's a good shot, killed three of twelve of my search party for you. She is quite knowledgeable I have heard Jamie, it might pay off to keep her with us a little longer," Tywin murmurs eyeing the girl up and down. This could be the girl to break the disgusting rumours surrounding his two twin children. He could force Jamie to break his oath and get married.

Jamie brought Aleyahs dinner in to her and sat on the chair opposite her bed. She actually picked up her spoon and ate a spoonful of the tomato soup. She glanced at Jamie who was eating his own bowl of soup. A comfortable silence sat between them until both had finished their food. Jamie sighed and looked at the young girl.
"I'm guessing you know about your father?" He questioned softly and she nods slowly. She had no more tears left but there was one thing she was dying to know.
"My sisters?" She asks so quiet she wasn't sure he had heard her. He looks down and nods.
"Sansa is still to marry Joffrey and Arya seems to have escaped the castle at some point," He answers and she sighs with a small smile. It was the first he had seen since he had arrived and he took it in watching her dimples appear in her red cheeks.
"That wild child! She's probably running around looking for Robb and mother," Aleyah laughed and he smiled listening to the chuckle in her voice. Aleyah looked into the blue orbs of Jamie and gently reached for his hand. Without even thinking he took it and held it tightly in his own. He stared into her eyes and without realising it he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. She kissed him back and they both pulled away. Jamie stared at her and she smiled still holding his hand tightly.
"You're my saviour Jamie Lannister, you know that?" She smiles and he smiles back softly.

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