"Embarrassing him is always an option, Bakugou. I don't run on a minute schedule."

"I do, so piss off."

"Wow, rude," she mocked as she put her hand over her chest. "How dare you."

"I dare everything," he barked back.

"Oh no, is this about last training?" she smiled behind her hand. "Oh, the Great Bakugou, got done by the new girl. How shaming. Say—" she held a fist by his face, as if holding a microphone— "how does this make you feel? What's going through you right now?"

He slapped her hand away in a swift motion. "You and that stupid Bird Brain with your hiding," he grumbled. "I'm just pissed because—"


He opened his mouth to answer with a sneer, but managed to —somehow— reel it back in. The sheer audacity. The nerve. She had no right. But...

Why was he pissed?

"Nothing," he barked before moving towards his desk and plopping down on it, propping his feet up on the desk and putting his hands behind his head, effectively shutting Sam up. He ignored everyone and instead stared out of the window, looking at the graying sky and incoming storm.

What was he so pissed at? Manson? Bird Brain? Just because they had a plan and executed it damn well? Nah, that wasn't it. But why was he feeling like blowing up the school? It's been ages since he last felt so damn shitty like this.

Ugh, felt. Bakugou cringed at his own thoughts and took his feet off the table, letting his head rest on his hand, elbow on the table. Something had changed, but what? The three Americans could be it, but they've been here for more than a week and this was the first time. It's also not like the old hag did something that put him on edge or anything like it. School was fine, he guessed. The Damn Nerd was being himself, the stuttering and fidgeting mess he always was. But he was getting better at everything. He supposed those two Nerds combined was going to get him in trouble someday.

Talking about Nerds...

Fenton walked in, laughing at some stupid joke Shitty Hair had obviously told him. The one thing that was working out this morning. Shitty Hair would find out all about Fenton and his friends, and he'd blurt it out to him some day. 'Maybe even today,' Bakugou thought the moment Aizawa rolled into the room, inwardly grinning in victory.

No secret was safe for him.

"Shitty Hair," Bakugou said as he walked into the locker room after class

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"Shitty Hair," Bakugou said as he walked into the locker room after class. The rest of the students had left long ago, leaving the two alone in the school.

The redhead was swapping out textbooks, but turned to Bakugou as he walked in. "Bakugou! What're you doing here? I thought you had to get home."

"The old hag can wait. I wanna talk."


Shit. He should've thought this through more. Crap crap crap. He had a reputation to uphold...but the plan. He needed to know this shit or he'd never find out. No going back now. "It's about...Fenton."

"Danny? What about?" Kirishima asked as he closed his locker and heaved his backpack into his shoulder. He narrowed his eyes. "Did you two fight again?"

"No, you idiot! It's just..." He sighed and pocketed his hands, looking at the ground. "I need to know if he's lying, and you were close with him today, so I figured you'd know something."

Kirishima shrugged. "If you want to know something, ask him yourself. Guy's an open book."

"Not to me, shithead."

"Get to know him, then!" Kirishima grinned. He put a hand to his chin and looked up. "Train with him, might be a good idea, or ask him to study together or something."

"If he studies, I'm—"

"Eating a sock? You should've seen Kaminari the other day! He actually tried to! Sero had to rescue him, but I'm sure Mina's got a video of it all. I'll ask if she sends it to you."

"Yeah, whatever," Bakugou said before walking off. Maybe training together was a good idea. He could easily crash the morning trainings he had, since he knew what time and where. He could also keep an eye on the Damn Nerd and what the hell he was doing. He paused in the doorway. "Maybe you don't actually have hair for brains, Kirishima."

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