Hades Blind Mate|19

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay? I could feel your anger from the judgement grounds." He said, I sighed but nodded.

"My anger just got the best of me." I said, then picked up my cloth and continued to clean the table.

"Honey, the table is already clean." He whispered, my anger flared up and I growled at him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, having somebody invade your home was stressful.

"You have to leave." Hades said, staring at Aphrodite dead in the eyes.

"Excuse me?" Aphrodite said, Hades glared at her.

"I tolerated you moping around for days on and because I was taught to respect my fellow gods—but now my woman is being affected by your jealousy and I WILL NOT have that in my home!" He growled, influenced by Asem protective nature.

"You cannot be seriously protecting a worthless human!" Aphrodite said angrily, I laughed.

"I'm not human." I told her, she looked at me confused.

"Doubtful." She said eyeing me, I rolled my eyes.

"The Moon goddess made me immortal, it'll take me a few months to gain the whole immortal beauty." I said with a eye roll.

"You allowed that to be your immortal partner!?" She cringed in disgust, but I could see the fear within her eyes.

"Do you want to see death my dear?" I asked, she shivered; her eyes held fright that I hadn't seen before.

"She has the voice of death!" She said; this time she wasn't calm.

"She could've used it on you at any point, yet she showed restraint." Hades said, he was proud of me for being so mature and responsible.

"I could've died!" Aphrodite cried, I rolled my eyes at her crocodile tears.

"You will die if you don't leave." I whispered menacingly, her eyes widened and within second she was running out the door to find Apollo.

"I love you my queen." Hades said, I smiled feeling the tension roll off me.

"Finally peace and quiet." I said to him, laying on his chest.

"I'm sorry you missed the Halloween party I said you could plan, and had to deal with her for so long." Hades said, he honestly felt guilty.

"As long as I don't miss Christmas, I will be happy." I said, he knew when that was—I made him learn all the important holiday dates so I didn't miss them.

"Still got a month till then." He said, I smiled widely.

"We'll do it all." I said excitedly, he chuckled and kissed my head.

"Man am I happy you fell into hell, the woman I would've missed." He said, I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Can't believe a earthquake sent me to hell, that's gonna be one hell of a story." I chuckled, Hades nodded.

"Do you want to go on a date?" Hades asked suddenly, I jumped.

"Really?" I asked curiously, he hadn't asked me that before.

"Of course, I read that it's a important thing for couples in the human world—gods don't do dates." He said, I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Yeah I realized after reading half the book on gods." I said, he half smiled—he looked guilty.

"I'm sorry." He said, I shook my head to disagree.

"You are centuries older than me, you are allowed to have more experience and are allowed to have done things that I may not approve of but I wasn't even born for half of them or around—getting mad is pointless." I said, smiling —I loved him regardless.

"You are my future, all of that is my past." He said, I kissed his lips lovingly—I knew he was being honest, I could feel it within.

"Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you." I whispered after pulling away, I could feel the excitement through our bond.

"I have it all planned!" He said, I giggled lightly.

"I can't wait to experience it with you, both of our first dates." I said, he nodded with pure excitement.

"Go get ready! I picked out something for you!" He said pushing me towards the dinning room doors.

"Right now!?" I exclaimed, I thought he meant later.

"Yes right now, I can't wait—I'm too excited." Hades said, I laughed lightly but nodded.

"Okay, I'll go get ready." I smiled, and kissed his cheek.

I headed to my room, I could see the beautiful dress already laid on my bed when I walked in—a blue rose laid beside it and I could feel my heart explode in warmth—he was trying so hard to prove himself when he didn't have to.

I loved him regardless of what he did in the past, I loved him regardless of the fact he ruled the underworld—I loved him so much it didn't make sense, it was so new and alive for me after experiencing the feeling of never being loved. Now I had a wonderful man, and I love myself so much more and give myself so much more credit—I am strong, I am a warrior and I am a queen.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, the dress was so beautiful and it fit my body perfectly—the scars on my body were beautiful, showing me the warrior I have came to be. At the same time I could see myself changing, a piece at a time as I slowly become more and more immortal.

I never felt so much happiness, so much strength, so much support. I was thriving in a life I never thought I'd achieve and now I'm a queen—queen of the underworld ruling beside the KING of the underworld as his partner.

I finished up my look, and to my surprise followed the blue petals of roses to a unknown location—I knew no matter what he planned, I would enjoy it so much. I opened the doors and my jaw fell to the ground, I was lucky—lucky indeed.

It was beautiful.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed

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Word Count: 1345

Get excited my kitties!

Cliff Hanger, I know but you love me! I'm back with a chapter, can you believe it? Finally got out of this stupid rut I'm in, hopefully i can keep it this way.

Love you my kitties, enjoy the chapter AND THE NEW BANNERS.


Your lovely Writer,



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