Chapter 19

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We had all just heard about Becca's and Niall's breakup and to be honest I wasn't quite shocked, the only people that were shocked were Liam and Zayn. Did they not know anything? Wait, that would mean that Harry and Louis both know now too, I need to talk to Harry he's the worst blabber mouth ever!

Walking into the back of the tour bus I overhear a conversation that I probably shouldn't be listening to.

"I wasn't shocked at all" That was Louis voice, I could tell.

"I was, I thought they would've lasted a little while longer. Can you believe Niall was the one who ended it though?" Harry now said back but more in a hushed tone so no one could hear, but I could.

Niall ended it? I never knew that, Becca didn't tell me the details, she only said that they broke up and that it was for the best with the whole Ashton situation happening. I furrowed my eyebrows in concern now worrying over my little sister and how she'd just had her first break-up.

"What you doing?" A voice came from behind me startling me to no extent. I turned around to see Vanessa stood there just stood smiling at me waiting for me to reply to her.

"I was gonna see Harry but he's busy with the boys, so never mind" I finally now give her an answer to which she nodded her head understanding me.

There was a minute silence between us before she finally broke it. "I was actually checking if you wanted to come for a walk around the place with me and the other girls?" Vanessa now asks gesturing to Becca, Freya and Mia behind her with her thumb.

Thinking about it, it seemed like a good idea to get out of these buses and have some girl time. 'Sure, sounds good" I smile back and we both then turn to leave the bus but get stopped in our tracks when Ashton and Calum open the door piling in.

We all just stood there in silence looking around at each other but what I did notice was that Ashton's glance towards Becca lasted longer than anyone else's.

"We were just heading out, you know tourist stuff" I finally speak up letting the boys know where we were off to and finally catching Ashton's attention so it was away from Becca.

Calum just nodded his head staying silent not wanting to say anything, knowing him he'll probably just say something and make things awkward between Becca, Ashton and Vanessa. After all Vanessa was only here because of Ashton and since the break up between Niall and Becca everyone could see that Ashton was now avoiding Vanessa, way to make it subtle right?

"Cool. You mind if we join?" Ash now asks hoping to tag along and by the looks of Calum's face he clearly didn't want to and was just being pulled along with it all.

"Yeah, of course" Becca now gives him acceptance way too fast. I turn around and give her a little glare showing her that this wasn't a good idea.

A door opening made all of us turn our head in that direction. It was the back of the bus where Harry and Louis once were, they were now watching us. "What's going on?" Louis asks looking sceptic and worried.

"We were just about to head out and have a tourist day. Ash and Cal wanna come" Vanessa tells the boys who now had their eyebrows raised, they looked toward each other and I knew for a fact what was about to come next.

"We'll all go. We'll have a nice day out and use the full day to ourselves" Harry says joining in and before I could protest and say it was meant to be a girls day they were already off to tell Liam, Niall, Zayn, Mikey and Luke.


The sun was gleaming down on us making everyone groan once again, this has been happening a lot since we all left the bus. We didn't realise how hot it was in Spain right now so leaving the bus wearing jeans and no bottled waters wasn't really a wise idea.

"I need to sit down. We've been walking for like hours" Luke groaned in exasperation now just sitting down on the curb of the pavement. Mia and Calum agreed and sat down next to him, Mia resting her head onto Luke's shoulder. I had to admit they looked cute together.

"C'mon, the ice cream parlour is just around the corner" Ashton tried to reason with them but instead pulls his phone out looking at a map that I could see as he was stood just in front of me.

Taking control I grabbed Ashton's phone out of his hand and walked away with it despite his calls for me to give it back. Tapping in where the closest ice cream parlour, I find that it literally only is right around the corner. "Ashton is right, it's down this side street on the left" I say then give his phone back to him.

We all turned down the side street and just at the top of the little hill was in fact an ice cream parlour with chairs just outside of it. I noticed we all started to speed walk toward it now just needing something cold and to sit down.

"Last one there buys for everyone" I hear one of them shout from behind me and next minute Luke, Harry, Mia, Niall, Vanessa and Mikey were all running ahead of us. They're such kids.

"C'mon Liam, live a little" A sassy Ashton comes up beside me and next minute him and Becca are running there too following suit. Watching them two run off, Becca jumps on Ashton's back and he takes off acting like a horse making people around us stop and stare at them.

Me, Brooke and Zayn were the last ones there but if you want to be more specific. Me.

"Liam, looks like you're paying" Mikey points out and I just shrug my shoulders and walk up to the ice creams just ordering a bunch of vanilla and strawberry ice creams which they can all choose from.

I placed them into everyone's hands earning 'thank you's' then sat down myself. "I'm gonna grab a drink" Becca says about to stand up but Ashton beats her to it.

"Don't worry I'll get it for you" He says placing his hand on her thigh and giving her a kiss on the cheek before getting up to get her a drink.

That was a bit strange. No one else seemed to had seen it apart from me and Zayn.

Ashton was just touchy feely with Becca just plain out in the open, in public.

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