Chapter 14

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We just finished our set on stage and I'm so pumped right now. I could feel the adrenaline in my blood making me just want to get back out there again. "Glasgow, you were incredible!" I shout into the microphone making the crowd of people cheer and scream, a big smile made it's way onto my face. This is the life, I love my life.

"Unfortunately Glasgow, it's time to leave" Harry now says making the crowd now boo, they didn't want us to go and in all honestly I could definitely do another performance right now, but looking at the other boys they all looked worn out and tired especially Niall.

Things between Becca and Niall right now are better than what they were a few days ago but we can all still sense a tension around them, they're slowly breaking and everyone is noticing, I just hope the fans don't notice as they've only just gotten used to Becca and Niall being together.

"We love you Glasgow!" Louis now shouts and then we all run off the stage now finally finished.

We all grabbed towels that were placed on a side table for us, we were all sweaty so we used them to wipe our heads and wherever else needed. "Guys, you were absolutely great" We hear a female voice but I couldn't make out who it was, turning around I see Vanessa stood there with a smile beaming on her face, we all give her a smile as if to say thanks.

I gotta be honest me and the 1D lads aren't a fan of her but with her being with Ashton she's going to be around a lot more now. I just hope she doesn't come overseas with us. We got told yesterday by management that Becca, Freya, Brooke and Mia are now coming overseas with us on tour and even though Becca and Niall are having a rough patch I know they'll get through this and this tour will be the best one ever!

"That was the best show yet" Louis exclaimed as we were walking towards the backstage room to sit down and chill. Walking in we saw the 5SOS boy along with the girls, Becca, Freya, Brooke and Mia came running up congratulating us on the show giving us hugs, Becca, Freya and Brooke giving their boyfriends kisses.

Becca and Niall are now good again, I don't know what happened at first for them to not be alright but at least they've worked through it. "It's good to see you both happy together again" I say voicing my opinion out loud, everyone nodded their head in agreement too.

"I love this girl too much, how can someone be mad at this face?" Niall says grabbing Becca's cheeks together squishing her face making her look adorable, he kisses her lips then they both pull away and sit down on the couch.

Everyone was in small talk now just chilling in the backstage room, management came walking through the door and then someone followed behind them. It was Zayn.

"So everyone, I know it was a shock and a surprise that Zayn left us, he did have a reason but now he's back with us. I don't want any arguments and no drama. Just get on with it" John who was a part of management speaks up. We all look towards Zayn who looks uncomfortable being here as he is now unwanted.

Louis starts laughing making everyone turn their heads to him "You expect us to take him back just like that after what he did to us?" Louis said in a serious tone, even if he was laughing I could tell that this wasn't humorous for him at all. Freya placed her hand on his knee trying to put him a little at ease which seemed to work because he wasn't so tense anymore.

"Yes we do, no more questions" John was stern with us all, I just wanted to know why he did it, that's all.

John left the room now leaving Zayn with us, we all gave him death glares making him shift uncomfortably on his feet. "Why'd you do it Zayn?" Harry beat me to the question.

He gulped nervously before answering. "I don't know" He put his head down as if he was ashamed. "I guess being broken up from Jenny and not really having anyone, I got bored and when I tried to leave I realised I couldn't do it without you guys" He admitted and now I see why he did it. We have to stick to the same routine and it is non-stop, the tour life is tiring.

"It's good to have you back buddy" I say standing up and giving him a man hug. "We get break-ups are hard. Just don't pull a stunt like that again" I order him making him nod his head at me understanding.

Niall was the next to stand up to give him a welcoming hug. "Yeah I mean we get fed up sometimes but if you just talk to us we'll help ya" Niall says comforting him and offering an ear to talk to, we all nod our heads now agreeing with Niall, even Louis.

"C'mon guys, group hug" I say making the rest of the lads stand up and joining us in the man hug. "You girls too, we're all in this together" I smile at them making them all stand up and join us. We are a big family.


Everyone was still squished in the group hug making us all laugh, when we all finally pulled away Becca and Niall attached their lips together, I looked towards Brooke and she was doing the same with Harry. Suddenly I felt lonely. My sisters had boyfriends which meant I won't be spending much time with them anymore.

I walked away hoping to just go back to the bus where I would be staying tonight, unfortunately I had to stay on the bus with the 5 seconds of summer boys because there was no room on the other one, another reason why I felt so lonely.

I sank down onto the bottom bunk where I sleep and pulled my knees up to my chest, I couldn't help but let a tear slip, I quickly wiped it away because I didn't want anyone to see my crying. "You okay?" I hear Luke's voice above me, looking up the giant in front of me, I shake my head 'no' letting him know that I wasn't okay.

Luke came down onto my bed sitting beside me. "You want to talk about it?" He asked, I couldn't help it, I let everything out to him about how I feel lonely now my sisters have boyfriends and that I'm scared I won't spend as much time with them. He seemed to understand how I felt, he listened so intently whilst I just told him everything. I kinda liked it.

After I finished telling him everything he gave me a little smile, "You'll meet someone Mia, you're gorgeous and funny" He says and now I have butterflies in my stomach, damn. Luke is hot but he won't see me that way, he only said those things to cheer me up.

Now I have a problem though, I have to be with them on tour and share a bus with a guy I'm catching feelings for, Luke Hemmings.

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now