Chapter 7

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My stomach is in bits, I feel like crying I'm so home sick right now. I just wanted this to end so I did the only thing I could think of, I grabbed my laptop that was laying at the bottom of my bunk and opened it logging into Skype.

I want to call my girlfriend, I miss her so much right now. The sound of her voice, her comforting touch, just everything about her I need right now, actually no I'm craving her right now and not in a sexual way, I mean in a romantic and caring way.

"Hey Liam? You okay?" I hear from next to me, I turn my head to see Louis which I instantly regret doing so cause he can now see the tears that had left my eyes. I don't really like anyone to see me cry, not even the boys.

"I feel Homesick Lou. I'm about to Skype with Lexi, do you mind?" I cry and ask at the same time to which I receive a nod and a pat on the arm, Louis looking at me sympathetically which I don't really like. I hate getting sympathy.

I pull the curtain shut so no one else could bother me whilst I'm on the call. I wipe my eyes to be free from the tears so Lexi can't see my vulnerable side then press on the green phone next to her name, it starts ringing and Lexi answers within the 3rd round of the dial tone. "Hey" I say my voice full of excitement and happiness just from seeing her face.

"Oh...Liam... Hi, I didn't expect this at all" She says surprised to see me and I can see through the screen that she wasn't thrilled to see me like I was for her. That's weird.

"Lex, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself" I question her worriedly, she goes to answer but gets cut off by a male voice, which wasn't mine. Who the hell is that and why is he in her apartment?

"Yo babe. Gonna go shop and get some more milk and bread" He says now coming into view in the background shirtless and about to put a top on. It was becoming pretty clear to me that she was cheating on me.

The guy leaves through her front door and as she turns back around to see me, I see her face full of guilt that I had caught her in the act.

"So what were you going to do then Lexi? Cheat on me and not tell me anything or wait until I found out?!" I ask, my voice stern but low so no one on the bus could hear me. I was so angry right now, actually no I was beyond angry.

I got no response from her except tears, she was the one crying even though she cheated on me, I should be the one crying, I'm hurt, I'm homesick and I just caught my girlfriend cheating on me for christ sake.

"Are you going to say anything?! Or just sit there and cry?!" I demand in a louder tone of voice but still keeping it low so none of the boys could hear me although I was starting not to care. I didn't get a response once again, she just sat there crying not even bothering to look at me which made me get even angrier that I couldn't contain it.

"ANSWER ME!" I shout and this time I'm pretty sure that not only did everyone on the bus hear it but probably the people stood outside it too. I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't stay and not get any explanation from her so I just close my laptop shut and sigh in anger.

"Fuck this" I mutter to myself and pull my curtain open then swinging my legs around and jumping down from the top bunk with a loud bang. I step into the front of the bus to where not only the guys were chilling but the boys from 5SOS were here too. Fucking hell.

"You okay mate?" Michael asks me. Obviously they all heard me shout so I might as well tell them what had just happened.

"Caught Lexi cheating on me, it's over. I need some fresh air and to be alone right now" I explain and get out all at once and without anything said or even looking at anyone, I leave the tour bus slamming the door behind me.


We all watch as Liam slams the door shut and leave us sat alone in silence, not one of us dared to break it. We all looked around at each other exchanging glances, some of us shocked and surprised as to what's just happened.

"Sooo..." Louis starts to break the silence making all of our heads turn in his direction, making the atmosphere a little awkward.

"Wow. Can't believe they broke up" I say taking all of the attention off Louis and making it less awkward around us.

"I can't believe she cheated" Becca says astonished and shocked more than anyone here, she basically voiced all of our thoughts so we all nodded in response. 

"Don't worry babe, that would never happen to us" Niall comforts Becca slinging his arm around her shoulders and kissing her cheek making her blush then smile but that soon falters when she realises that we were all watching them and their public displays of affection.

"Actually..." I start to say before taking a seat next to Freya. "Talking about relationships, I was wondering if I could take you out on a date? We could go catch a movie and grab something to eat or if you don't feel like going out maybe we could stay in with a pizza and a film?" I kind of suggest to her hoping that she will accept and go out with me.

"You know what? Yeah I will go out, that sounds nice" She smiles at me, tucking her hair behind her ear, I notice her side glance to someone but shrugged it off, it probably meant nothing and I was looking into it way too much.

I smile back "Great, tonight, be ready for 6" I stand up and walk out of the bus so I can go into the hotel and up to my room to shower and change for tonight. I'm so excited that I finally get to take out Freya, I've been waiting for this moment since I've met her.

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now