Chapter 18

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We had another show tonight after having so many days off, but now with Zayn back we need to get to work and have no more distractions, we need to perform our best tonight.

Since yesterday with Ashton telling us all Vanessa has now officially joined us on tour I couldn't think of an explanation why he would just bring a stranger on tour with us, how well does Ashton even know this girl?

"Spain how we doing tonight?" Louis now shouts into his microphone getting everyone in the arena to scream for us, if it wasn't for the ear piece I would definitely be deaf by now.

Singing every single song tonight, I couldn't help but glance at Becca who wasn't even watching us at all, she wasn't even watching ME. I'll just talk to her after the show is finished and we will work this out, we always work it out it's just who we are.

"I'm sorry Barcelona, but we do have to leave you all now" I announce into the crowd of fans who are now upset that we have to leave them. I'm glad that we are now finished because I can now talk to Becca and see what is going on with her.

Running off stage I first grab a towel to wipe the sweat that was dripping from me and a bottle of water to quench my thirst and then walk over to Becca who was waiting quietly just behind the curtain for us, she was flipping her phone through her hands and didn't even notice me walk up to her.

"Babe?" I question her to get her attention and she now snaps her head towards me with her eyes wide as anything like she just got caught doing something she shouldn't be doing. "Hey, what's up with you?" I try to console my girlfriend but I guess that was a bad move, lately it just seems everything I'm doing is a bad move to her and this puts me in an angry state.

"Nothing, it's nothing" Becca now answers back but I'm not convinced and the anger rises up in me exploding.

"Something is obviously up because you've been like this with me for almost 2 weeks now" I snap now not containing it, I just wanted to know what is going on because it's not just affecting her, it's also affecting us as a couple. "I'm tired of this Becca. You can never give me an explanation, you barely kiss me anymore and I can't even remember the last time you said you love me" I rant and list of everything I could think of in our relationship that is going wrong.

"I do love you" Becca now says back but it's more in a whisper like she's frightened of it.

"See I don't think you do anymore so until you figure out what is going on, I just-I think we just need a break" I say but then instantly regret my words when she nods her head agreeing with me, she shouldn't be agreeing with me, she should be telling me that we will work this out together. I was now more than mad, I was furious. "Well if we both feel this way then maybe we should just break-up"

After saying that her face fell completely making my heart break into millions. It's clear we both don't want this but we also have no idea how to fix this either.

"Fine if that's what you want. I can't stop you" Becca now fights back but clearly giving up the fight for us, I couldn't stay here anymore, we were officially over.


I can't believe what I just witnessed, I was only going to speak to the tech guy about turning Calum's microphone up for the next performance and instead I got to see another performance of Becca and Niall breaking up in front of me. I was shocked that this had happened so fast and the fact that Niall had called it off.

Becca was now standing alone just crying in the same place not moving at all. I didn't know what to do. Do I go over and talk to her? Or do I just walk on like I never saw anything?

Before thinking about anything I'm already stood in front of the crying girl but she never noticed me as her head was looking down and she was crying uncontrollably to hear anything but herself. Instantly I pull her into a hug not wanting to just see her like this and do nothing.

"I kinda knew this was gonna happen Ash but it still hurts" She cried to me venting it all out and I now kinda wish that it wasn't me here who was comforting her, I didn't need to hear this.

"It's okay, it will all work out in the end eventually" I try to console her whilst I held her in my arms. I couldn't help but think and feel that this was right, her here in my arms is exactly where we both needed to be.

I know everyone is probably looking at Becca like the bad guy right now for falling in love with someone else when she's already in a relationship but I could never see bad in this girl and it's not just because of my feelings towards her. She is an amazing, strong and beautiful girl.

"Hey, look at me" I now say and place my hands on either side of her face so now our eyes are locking onto each others, I'd kiss her right now but I know I can't with her breakup being so fresh, it just isn't fair. "You knew this was going to happen, everyone did" I state a fact which she closes her eyes to not liking the fact that nearly everyone knows about us now.

"Ash-" She goes to say something but I cut her off. I wasn't going to have her upset and no doubt Niall was feeling like shit right now too, plus everyone is feeling stressed with all this drama happening. I knew the answer to everyone's problem right now.

"Let's go out tomorrow night. All of us together, as friends and we'll have a drink and just have a good time. If things get hard for you just tell me and I'll take you back to the hotel away from everyone" I try to persuade her and when I get a smile back, I smile too in victory.

Looks like I'll be telling the others.

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