Chapter 15

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A couple days passed and we were now over seas and at the first venue abroad and to say I was excited was an understatement. ITALY! Freaking Italy! If you want to know precisely where in Italy, it was Rome. FREAKING ROME!

"Ciao Bella" An Italian guy came walking up to me Michael and Mia, we decided to go sight seeing and no one else would come with us, I gave a puzzled look to Michael who mirrored my face too, we had no clue as to what he was saying but it seemed Mia did and he was also talking to Mia.

The past few days me Michael and Mia had gotten closer and to say I wasn't growing feelings for the girl was a complete lie. I mean look at her, she's so beautiful, that day I comforted her in the bus I actually meant the words I said. I know I had only just met the girl but she was so attractive and 100% my type all the way, I just hoped she felt the same.

"Ciao, Come stai?" Mia said back to him leaving me more confused that not only could she understand him but also talk Italian too, it kinda made her more hotter. My face now flushed a deep shade of red hearing the accent come from past her lips so effortlessly.

I felt a nudge in my side from Mikey. "Luke, you're drooling" He whispered loud enough for only us to hear and no one else, he was teasing me and I didn't like it so in return I full on shoved him back moving him away from me.

"You're face, is like precious angel, so beautiful and graceful" The guy said back to Mia his accent now thicker trying to speak in English to her. He grabbed her hand and placed a kissed on the back of it making her giggle and my blood boil. This dude was older than me and he's hitting on a 16 year old, the perv.

I couldn't stand the sight anymore so I thought of a plan to break this scene up that made me literally want to gag.

"Michael. Stop looking at your reflection in your phone, your hair looks shit no matter what you do" I bite at him just hoping he'll do what I want him to which is shove me into them which is exactly what he did making me smile in success.

I fell back into Mia and this Italian guy splitting them up and sending me flying onto the floor instead of Mia catching me like I expected. I guess that part of the plan didn't go as I expected at all. "Ow!" I exclaim in pain as I hit my tailbone onto the edge of the sidewalk.

Mia came running over to me concern and worry etched all over her face. "Luke, oh my god, are you okay?" She asked frantically, she looked cute when she was worried about me, holding her hand out to help me up I gratefully take it and pull myself up off the floor.

"I'm okay now you've helped" I try and flirt with her and I'm sure I saw her blush. Wait if she blushed does that mean she likes me back? I hope so and I now have my chance to ask. "Mia-" I start but get interrupted by Michael straight away.

"Guys can you stop flirting?! I want to look around more before we have to head back to the bus" Mikey moaned and whined like a child, honestly this was like babysitting him. Me and Mia pulled apart from each other startled that he had picked up on the tension and animosity between us, now I wish he wasn't here with us at all.

Mia then blushed furiously and sped walked over to Mikey and they both started to walk off without me. "Hey!" I frown and run up to them "I'm still here y'know" I say a little annoyed but this only made them both laugh at me which I didn't like one bit. "Dicks" I mutter but it was loud enough for them to hear making them laugh louder this time.

"Since when could you speak Italian anyway?" Mikey now asks Mia as we all walked in a line together. I was intrigued to know the answer too, I'm pretty sure Becca and Brooke can't.

"Since I took it in high school and got the highest grade in my year, I would say I'm pretty fluent" Mia brags with a smile on her face as if she was proud of it which she should be, that's really impressive. "In high school we had the option of Italian, French and Spanish. I took Italian" She now explains to us.

Me and Mikey both smile at her as Mia smiles to herself looking down adverting her gaze to anywhere but us. "It's impressive" I say voicing my thoughts aloud. "At least now we have someone who can translate for us here"

I looked over at Mikey who was now frowning so I sent him a questioning look. "We're in Spain next and no one can speak that. We are fucked once we leave here to go the other places" Mikey now says what was thinking making me nod my head understanding him but Mia shake her head 'no' frantically making us give her a confused look.

"Hasn't Becca or Brooke told you?" She asks us both exchanging glances between us.

"Told us what?" Michael now enquires her.

"Like I said in high school you have the option to take Italian, French or Spanish" She says and then stops making sure we are getting what she is saying. "We're sisters idiots, we went to the same high school but never took the same options" Mia now stops in her tracks making us stop too. "Brooke is fluent Spanish and Becca is fluent in French. You guys are pretty much sorted for translators" She now explains the whole story and I'm now shocked and impressed with these girls.

This family is not only really attractive but also smart and bilingual. What can't they do?!

"Wow. Now I'm even more impressed" Mikey now says "You girls are our heroes" He compliments her which made me annoyed, he can't start liking her, I liked her first!

"We're really not" Mia laughed shutting Mikey's compliment down which made me smirk a little. "There's an ice cream parlour there. You guys want some?" She now asked walking in front of us waiting for us to answer.

"It's like you read my mind babe" I reply sending her a wink and walk off with her towards it now leaving Mikey behind us.

I hear running from behind us and assume it's Mikey catching up with us. "I want some too guys" He whined like a child again to which me and Mia laughed at and we all piled into the parlour together grabbing ice cream before heading back to the others on the bus.

Today was a pretty good day, I wish I could spend alone time with Mia though just the two of us so I could tell her how I feel about her cause the truth is...

I'm definitely falling for this girl.

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now