Chapter 6

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As the 5SOS boys are killing the stage whilst performing English Love Affair, I take a look at Ashton and how he's so passionate with his drumming, giving it everything he has so that sweat runs down from his head.

Ashton tries to do his famous stick flip and ends up dropping it when something or someone catches his eye. I follow where he's looking to and I get confused when I see Niall and Becca on the other side backstage kissing, Ashton looked hurt but immediately got back to playing his drums. 

It all started to come together in my head. Ashton has never dropped his sticks once and has always had 100% focus when playing and if that wasn't enough evidence the song they are playing made it all come clear in my head. Ashton likes Becca.

The secrecy the younger band have right now and how Becca acts around Ashton when Niall isn't around makes so much sense. I just can't believe that they all know and were going to keep it from us.

They finish their set and take a bow to the crowd emitting screams from the arena, then they all start to run off stage towards me. Now is my chance I'm going to grab Ashton and ask him what the hell is going on.

"Hey man you killed it" I say with a smile on my face as Ashton comes up to me with sweat dripping everywhere, I give him a man hug and as I do I whisper in his ear "I know about Becca"

He pulls back from the hug and his face says everything, he's like a deer caught in headlights. "L-louis it's not what you th-ink" He stutters nervously to me.

"Then what is it mate? C'mon tell me, I need to know unless you want me to tell Niall my side of the story" I threaten him to make him spill everything that's going on.

He gulps so hard that I can see his Adam's apple bobbing. "Umm w-well the th-thing is" He starts stuttering again and I'm now getting fed up of it.

"Ashton breathe" I instruct but with a bit of attitude to the younger Aussie boy "Are you and Becca a thing? Behind Niall's back?" I ask horrified for his answer. This would break poor Niall.

"NO! God no. She wouldn't ever do that to Niall" He explains which makes me sigh in relief but I still want to know what's going on with him and his feelings, so he does exactly that and tells me. "Louis I do like her and she knows how I feel for her but she said she wouldn't do anything to Niall and that she loves him not me"

Now it all makes sense. Ashton is in love with Niall's girl and is trying to hide it so Niall doesn't pulverise him to a pulp.

"I'll keep the secret under one condition" I say placing my hands on his shoulders so I have his undivided attention, he gives me a nod to signal he's listening and will do anything. "Find another girl Ash. One that isn't taken" I suggest and advise him.

He goes to protest but then stops as if he knows it's what has to be done. He nods his head one last time before he sluggishly walks away from me upset that he has to move on from Becca now.


Walking away from Louis I start to think that maybe he is right. I knew I shouldn't have fallen for a taken girl, taken by one of my good mates to be exact but I just couldn't help it.

"Hey Ash, you killed it out there" Becca runs up to me with a smile plastered on her face, she tries to hug me but I push her off cause I know it wasn't right. I need to keep my distance whilst I'm forgetting all these feelings for her which also means I can't be around her as much.

"Thanks, but I have to go" I say with sadness in my tone. She gives me a hurt but confused look as I wouldn't let her hug me and seeing her like this made me even more upset and guilty for how bad I had fallen for this girl.

"Ash-" Becca starts to say my name but I push past her and walk away before she could say anything else. This is going to kill us both being apart from each other but it has to be done. Louis and everyone else who knows, orders.

I walk onto the tour bus still slugging my shoulders which makes it known to the other 3 boys that I'm not happy. It's like Michael and Luke already know but Calum couldn't quite grasp it.

"You alright Ash?" Calum asks and I ignore him walking to the back of the bus where the bunks are but Calum couldn't leave it at that, he had to push until he got an answer. "Ashton? C'mon mate what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that Louis now knows and has told me to keep my distance from Becca and to find someone else!" I snap and get out all at once without taking a breath. "I mean I know it was bound to happen but I didn't expect it so soon, I thought we could've gotten away with it a bit longer without getting caught" I admit to the boys in anger but also heartache.

"I'm sorry mate" Luke chirps up now walking up behind Calum to stand beside him.

"Who told?" I ask with tears threatening to spill over but I don't let them as I don't want to cry in front of the boys.

"No one Ashton. We all kept quite just like you wanted, Louis probably just figured it out" Michael says hinting that I'm the one who let it slip because I can't hide my emotions, which wasn't technically false.

I couldn't help it after that, it was my own fault why I can't be around Becca anymore, me and stupid fucking emotions, so I end up letting the tears out that were spilling over moments ago, letting my stupid fucking emotions getting the better of me again.

Luke engulfed me in the biggest hug ever making me cry even more, letting me soak his shirt with my tears "I love her Luke. I'm in love with Becca and now I've fucked it up" I cry into his shoulder letting them all know my exact feelings for her. "I'm gonna have to go around like I don't like her anymore and it's going to kill me" I admit still holding onto the younger boy, I didn't want to let go.

"It will hurt at first Ash but you'll be okay, I promise" Luke tries to comfort me, it helped a little but not as much as I needed it to.

We pull back from the hug and I use my top to wipe my eyes free from the tears. "If you guys don't mind, I just want to be left alone" I say hanging my head low and even though I don't look up I hear 'course' and 'yeah' around me.

I climb into my bunk and throw the curtain shut letting the darkness engulf around me. "Ash we have a day off tomorrow" I hear faintly outside of my bunk and I think it was Calum "Just rest okay mate and we'll tell everyone you're not feeling too good"

I open the curtain back to see Calum stood there with a sorrowful look on his face just mere inches away from mine. "Thanks Cal" I answer back with a sincere smile, then I nod my head to him as if to say 'climb in' to which he does exactly.

Calum climbs in my bunk and pulls the curtain shut then lays down next to me cuddling me to which I let another few tears astray. "Love you man" I say actually meaning those words. Calum is just the kind of guy you need in your life, always there when you need him and he gives the best cuddles.

"Love you too buddy" He replies back and I finally let sleep over take me and forgetting everything that had happened today.

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora