Chapter 11: You're Different

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Rosaline scrambled 2 metres away from the man with the silvery hair before his hand shot out and hauled her up making her drop her silver dagger a his feet.  She felt as if she was choking from inside as his beady eyes traced over her. 

“You don’t look very happy to see me.”  Valentine smirked.

Rose looked away hiding her face in her golden locks.

Valentines grip tightened on her arm, “Look at me when I’m taking to you.”

She forced herself to look into the deep black pits of his eyes, lifting her head up high using everything she had in her not to break down in front of him, she would not let him see her cry.

Valentine began to lead her back in into the library, “Better, now I’m sure you’ve met my children.”

Slowly she nodded her head afraid that anything she did could spark his anger again.

A wistful voice spoke up, “Rosaline?” 

A million emotions ran to the surface, she saw the boy with the golden eyes staring at her. Rose couldn’t seem to grasp whether she hated him because of his love for his sister or loved him for what they once felt, “Jace.” she staggered. Just as she was about to run to him a hand caught her from behind.

Valentine gave her a stern look, “How sweet” he said sarcastically,” Well, no time for catch ups we must be on our way.” He began to drag Rose to the portal.

Rosaline snatched her hand from his and stepped away from him towards Jace, “Our way?”

“Why yes we can’t stay here.”

Rose threw Valentine a look of disgust, “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Valentine let out a smirk and began to walk towards her, “My dear you have no choice, I’m not going to let you escape again.”

“Why do I have to come with you?” Rose held her ground.

“Because I need you.” His voice was rigid.

Jace and Clary stood at the other side of the room looking as baffled as she was.

“Need me for what?” She spat.

Valentine let out a slight laugh, “You have no idea do you?”

Rose furrowed her eyebrows; she had no idea what he was talking about.

“You’re not like any other shadowhunter.”

“Excuse me?” Rose was becoming impatient, how dare he try to manipulate her just to get her on his side.

“You have shadowhunter blood and demon blood in you.”

“You’re wrong,” Rosaline said sternly, she wouldn’t put up with his lies, “both my parents were shadowhunters.”

“Yes they were but there is demon blood in you and not just any demon.” Valentine said proudly.

“How?” Rose crossed her arms waiting to her his stupid explanation.

Valentine began to stroll around the room as he began his story, “I was close with your parents and when your mother fell pregnant with you she let me do to you what I did to Clarissa and Jonathan. I gave her doses of demon blood to take every day until you were born, and when you were born you showed more potential than both Jonathan and Clarissa. Originally the plan was that you were a test to see what would happen when you mix shadowhunter and demon blood together I never intended to keep you as my own only to marry you to my son, but at the age of six you began to do extraordinary things so I came to claim you as my own but your parents refused and we know what happened to them. You managed to escape that night and I never managed to find you due to that glamour that glittery warlock put on you but it just so happened you came to me at your own free will.”

“What extraordinary things?” Rose questioned.

“You don’t remember, of course you wouldn’t it was over a decade ago. On your sixth birthday you had a birthday party and I was there. The whole day you were holding my hand and telling me your head was hurting from all the noise, I asked you want you wanted me to do and you said nothing. Later on when the party had finished you were playing with my son, Jonathan. But then Jonatha-n stole your toy and you threw a tantrum. I didn’t think twice about it, it was normal for six year olds to have tantrums. But then you began screaming and not the usual screaming you get from children, the scream affected everyone around you including me; it was like a thousand needles being stabbed into you at once. It was then I realised my experiment on you had worked; you had gained some of the demons qualities.”

She raised her eyebrows, “Qualities?”

“Yes, you can inflict pain mentally.” Valentine looked overjoyed.

Rose began to walk slowly to the portal waiting for the right moment to make a run for it, “I can’t”

Valentine persevered, “Yes you can, you just need to practice. Without my help you could hurt your friends, you could even kill them if you tried.”

Rose let her eyes signal to Jace and Clary to try to warn them, “I won’t”

“How do you know that?” Valentine began to slowly stride towards her.

Rose felt her feet make impact with the stone wall behind her next to the portal, not long now she thought.

“Come with me and I can teach you how to control your power” Valentine looked at Rose hopefully.

“No” she growled.

“You don’t have a choice.” A slick smile appeared on his face and before Rose could comprehend what was happening she was tumbling through the portal behind her followed by Valentine, Jace and surprisingly Clary.


Authors note:

So this took me quite a while to write so I hope you like it. Please tell me what you think of it I love to read your comments. If you have any suggestions or thoughts tell me I’d love to hear them and thank you sooo much for reading this, I love you all!!! :*

Broken Pasts (The Mortal Instruments Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz