Chapter 16: The blonde, sarcastic one.

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Rose followed Jace out onto the porch of the Manor house to meet a domineering figure, surrounded by a cluster of shadowhunters dressed in the traditional shadowhunting gear. The figure had dull pale, almost colourless, blond hair, pulled back into a tight bun and grey eyes. Unlike the other shadowhunters she wore a suit and a long, old-fashioned dark grey cloak over it, adding to her stern and intimidating demeanour.

 "Inquisitor Herondale,"Jace cleared his throat "I didn't expect to see you here."

Rose perched herself on the stone steps, eager to stay away from the hostile woman.

The woman straightened her dark grey coat and looked up at the golden haired boy, "You mentioned that Valentine was here so it was necessary that I accompany the others."

Jace scoffed.

The inquisitor raised her head and assessed the manor house, "Well where is he?"

Looking down at his leather boots, Jace scratched his head, "He's gone"


Jace rolled his eyes, "If I knew that I would have told you"

Taking a step forward the inquisitor looked sternly at Jace, "You also mentioned a girl locked in a library."

Brushing her off Jace replied, "She's fine now."

"Perhaps Valentine was in the library as well." Looking over Jace's shoulder she took a glance at the dishevelled, blonde girl playing with her hair on the steps.

Jace's throat tightened, "When we got her out there was no one else there."

"Maybe she helped him escape." She said single-mindedly.

"That would not be likely." Jace said, looking the inquisitor in the eyes sternly.

"She will need to be trialled to make sure." She raised her hand for the three to follow, before making her way through the path created by the other shadowhunters towards the portal.

Rose stood up, "Excuse me?"

Jace grabbed her wrist, "Rose, don't!"

Glaring at Jace Rose yanked her wrist away from him and marched up to the inquisitor, fury buried within her face.

The inquisitor raised an eyebrow, and then looked the turbulent girl up and down, "It is clear that any association with Valentine Morgenstern is a punishable offence and from what I've heard you all have been associating with him in the past few hours."

Rose stomped her foot into the dewy grass, "Against our will!"

"It is up to the Clave to determine that," turning on her heel the inquisitor began to walk away once again.

"Because I love to spend my afternoons with serial killers in libraries," Rosaline muttered under her breath.

Clary timidly spoke up, "Will we all be trialled?"

"No just the blonde, sarcastic one." The inquisitor smirked.

Jace furrowed his eyebrows, "Which on-

"The girl!" She interrupted "By the angel, could you be any more irritating?"


"That was a rhetorical question." Agitated, the inquisitor assembled the accompanying shadowhunters, "The rest of you search the house whilst I take these back to Idris so she can be trialled."

Rose laid herself down on the grass, with a smug look on her face, "Oh I'm fine here actually."

Sighing heavily the inquisitor looked down at Rose, "Come now, or I will have to use force."

Rose opened her mouth to speak but Jace shot her a displeased look before she could.

Yanking her from the ground, Jace couldn't help but chuckle, "Come on, or you'll get us in more trouble."

"You're the one that called them."

"Shut up and just follow her please." Jace ushered her forwards towards the rippling portal leading to Idris.

"I don't like portals"

"I don't care Rose."

"They are quite scary sometimes though," said Clary bobbing behind the two.

"Not helping Clary." Jace said before plunging into the deep ripples of the portal.

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