Chapter 41: Sharing Stories

Start from the beginning

"Clem, no. It's fine. I'll be there for a couple of days... or week." She tried to sound as sympathetic and calming as possible. Clem harshly pushed her back, surprising the woman.

Why is Carley leaving them? Clem panicked.

"Is there something going on between you two?!" She asked the two adults. Lee stood there quiet. Carley's face hardened.

Neither of them said anything. A small bits or pieces would cause a scene on Carley's behave. Hearing his story over again will make her believe him less and cry no tears. She couldn't stand looking at him, being near him, and feeling his disgusting rough hands.

Carley smiled at Clem.

"Everything is fine." She lied.

"Why are you leaving us? How can we make you stay? We'll do anything Carley! I-I stop going to parties or-or shovel the sno-" Clem rambled on and on. Carley sulked as betrayal tears formed at the corner of her eyes.

Lee knitted his brows. Watching Clem trying to reason with Carley. Her face was getting red while her voice trembled and hiccupped.

Carley held out her arms.

"Shhh. Clem. Honey, I'm not leaving you."

Clem brushed her off, snatched the carton and trashed it in the recycling bin.

She eyed Lee. He didn't say a word at all.

"If you guys spit up, I don't know what I'll do to myself."

Lee came up to her, but she took off, stomping up the stairs to get ready for school. Slamming the door hard, startled the adults in the kitchen.

The dark brown male sighed.

"I should take Clem with me." Carley said out loud. Her husband shockingly stormed towards her.

"Carley this is insane! Why won't you believe me!?"

"Believing a perverted man who target younger girls is unacceptable and disgusting! I would never think you would do something so... Ugh! I can't let Clem stay here with someone like you!"

"Carley don't say that! That isn't me! What I told you is the truth about that girl-" Carley grabbed her stuff. Can't deal with her husband's words.

"After work, Clem is coming with me. Don't even dare touch her!" She threatened Lee.

The first woman he ever loved since college, is now leaving him. And taking away their child that developed their relationship stronger and better.

This is outrageous and overbearing to handle. His head pounding as if he's hungover.

How can Lee rationally open Carley's eyes to see he isn't lying?

Now way is he giving up his marriage life and family on some stupid student of his.



In P.E, Clementine and Violet decided to run laps together. Usually the teacher starts off fitness drills; fifteen pushups, twenty sit ups or crunches, thirty squats, fifteen lunges, and four laps around the gymnasium.

The blonde and brunette kept up with the fit students in class. Mostly the guys finished first because they live and breathe that athlete life.

Clem and Violet are simply competitive. Sometimes they would race each other to see who finish first.

This time, the girls relaxed and paced themselves. Clem's left leg felt better than last month. The teacher allowed her to exercise with the class when Clem showed him the doctor's note.

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