Chapter 41: Sharing Stories

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Has it been a week? Well damn. I'm finally back.

I barely slept this week and hope this coming week my insomnia dies down before I be a night quill addict.



Modern Period of The Walking Dead Game

High School AU



The next morning, Clem woke up from yelling outside her room. A pillow couldn't muffle out the noise from outside her door. The girl sat up, rubbing the sleep off her face.

The shouting increased. The clueless brunette got out of her bed, following the sound.

As she opened the door, the noise subsided into hushed whispers. The bickering never stopped. What was all that racking a few seconds ago.

Clem climbed down the steps, hoping her mother made breakfast for her. Her stomach kept yapping and scratching her gut.

Usually, the smell of breakfast would linger around the house but this time nothing. Nothing, but air freshener scented the heavy atmosphere that the girl witnessed in the kitchen.

Lee dressed in his suit and winter coat. He lifted his head up when Clem stepped in the kitchen. The wild hair on her head of curls bounced in each step as she scanned the two adults. The adults stared at her as Clem roamed the fridge.

Clem decided to take the last cup full of orange juice. She sat down on the kitchen chair and gulped the carton.

"Clem, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that." Carley scolded her daughter. Clem blinked. Not in the mood to start fueling her mother's pit. Judging by the tension, she's at her peak to explode.

"There's nothing much in here." She shook the carton.

Carley rubbed her wrinkled forehead as she nodded her head. Tired and angry at any little thing in sight. She took a breather. Not wanting to nag Clem's ears off. Clearly, the girl isn't her focus in this situation.

Ever since, Carley woke up from two hours of insomnia, she locked herself in the bathroom for an hour. She did her best to get ready for work, like applying a decent amount of makeup to mask her zombie appearance. When she came out the bathroom, she bumped into Lee and that's where everything cracked.

Carley went over to Clem, touching her curls on the crown of her head. Clem looked at her and then saw a couple of suit cases on the floor near by the arch frame.

"Are you going on a trip again?" Clem asked before finishing the orange juice.

"Not exactly, sweetie. Um... I'll be staying at my parents for a while." She told her. Clem arched her brow. She glanced at Lee, who wore a resentful frown. She looked at Carley, who is forcing a smile.

Had her parents gone mad? Do they think she's stupid? Clem could easily read the room.

By the looks of it, Carley is running away from her troubles and Lee can't do a thing to stop her.

Clem stood up in front of Carley. She not as tall as Carley but she looked her in the eyes. Searching for any type of false signs or hope that she isn't leaving them.

Carley probably want to see her parents, Clem truly hope so.

"Is something wrong with them? Would you like us to join yo-" She stopped talking when Carley pulled her in a hug. Clem's shoulders started to quiver. Fearing the worst.

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