Chapter 126 the means to and end

ابدأ من البداية

He grabs the shell and throws it into the horde of shells.

Grineer marine:Names valsk nice to meetcha!

Namia:Our targets that generator bulding right there!


We turn and see plenty of people stabbing and shooting each other as they runs towards our direction. We storm inside the generator room and see a master ai.

Locke:Is that dera!?

Dera:Hello lesser form.

The floor lights up


A beam fires out of the floor alot of the marines get burnt to a crisp by this beam.

Grineer marine:EAT SHIT!

He fires a rocket at the platform she standing on. She teleports and suddenly a horde of shells are jumping down ontop of us.


Arch:Oh boy here we go!


All the shells loose there weapons. But they still land ontop of us. Two shells land ontop of me.

Shell1:die warframe.

They start trying to punch me in the face I block with my gun. The other forms a hidden blade.


i tilt the end of the gun towards its head a fire about 20 bullets hit it and it falls on the ground.


he stabs me woth a data dark knife in my chest and I see blood come out.


I use my claws and jam them his face.

Shell1:Foolish tenno!

He punches me with air with the other hand and I blast past a bunch of people and hit a wall so hard a fall through.

Namia:Ghg...This may be harder then I thought....

A shell walks infront of me with a hek.


I roll to the side as he fires and I stab his chest and roll backwards.

Namia:Not today!

Suddenly to hands pierce through his chest.



Hes suddenly torn in half and all I see is tyst.


I find a grenade launcher off the ground from a dead marine and aim it at where I think the reactor is covered but I hear a shell running towards me.

Namia:I cant do both?!

The marine I thought was dead oulls out a knife and stabs the shell in the chest and flips them onto the ground.

Shell:Let go worm!

Grineer marine:For Freedom!

He stabs her three times.

Grineer marine:Shoot frame! I cant stop this thing!


I fire a shot and the reactor like thing and it seems to take a bit of damage. I fire again it does about the sams.

Warframe:lost cause(Finished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن