Chapter 87 Apocalypse

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We pull in to land and we look around seeing nothing.

Ash:I guess thats...normal?

X:I assume so. Stations been dead for years. Nothing but those marked here.

Ash:You guys know about this place.

X:Yes but it is mostly irrelvant. It doesnt move or stand in our way like shells or infested this can be dealt with at a simple pace.

We walk around still seeing nothing not even the marked ones

Ash:Most unsettling...

X:Hmm...I do sense orokin energy this way.

He points to the right

Ash:You lead Ill follow.

We jump up some holes in the floor and stand outside a door he motions for me to stop

???:Well this will be helpful.

???2:Hehe think of all the raw power.....

???3:Can you two stop yapping and put the damn things in containment!

X lifts his hand to the door and I hear a PZZZHT like a beam

???2:OH SHIT!

He moves his hand two more times and the noise comes out again he then slowly opens the door


X:As we tap back into our roots we gain efficieny. Thats all.

We see some kind of jar and three grineer lay on the ground

Ash:grineer? What would they want?

X:Indeed strange. What would they need it for?

We step inside and close the door. He picks up the jar.


Ash:What is it?

X:Seems to contain relics. Theres three in here.

Ash:Where would they get tech like this?

X:Dont know. It doesnt matter now.

He covers it in void energy and places it on his back

X:Should be able to tank a few shots.


We hear a big pair of footsteps coming towards the door I form a sybaris and x forms a lex prime. A big female grineer walks in holding some kind of laser weapon

Grineer heavy:Drans I cleared out th- oh You gotta be kiddin me!

We both fire for her head but the bullets bounce off


Grineer heavy:Hahaha...puny bullets wont save yo...


She flys backwards into a collum and slides down me and x start firing down at her

Grineer heavy:Alright....ill give you that might wanna look at the colum though.

We look up and see a grenade stuck to the wall


X shocks the wall with void lighting destroying the grenade without it exploding


Grineer heavy:What a corrupted?! Oh HELL no!

She starts firing her gun up at us its some kind of automatic missle launcher we start running towards the stairs but one missle hits behind me and my backfoot falls down

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