Chapter 96 the second raid

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I saw ash manage to break his way to the main room and the building collapsed and I lost all footage.

Janus:Wasnt expecting him to be there of all places. Surprised hes managed to fight us off this long.

A cut off the cam. And slowly sigh

Tenno voice:hes really changed. Before he always needed some kind of savior in the old world. Now? Hes like some kind of veteran.

Janus:......Nothing Will stop me from taking this...

Tenno voice:What your old world belief.

Janus:I will fix it...make it right...

Tenno voice:You dont even sound like you fully believe it anymore janus. Your eyes are open. Accept this isnt right!

Janus:Shut up. You dont know anything.


I turn around and see osira

Janus:Hey osira.

Osira:Who were you talking to?

Janus:.....dont worry about it.

Osira:Did you test my bombs?

Janus:Yeah. Pretty effective I used the non lethal and knocked out a infested. even works on bio organisms.....

She gets right to her chair and starts writing it down.

Osira:Why do you like a metal man?

Janus:Had to damn near close to rebuilt. Ship crash incident.

Osira:Well that sounds fun.

She says sarcasticly

Janus:I have to speak to cephalon now that I think about it see ya.

Osira:Yah good luck to you.

I walk to the main facility and see everyone staring at a moniter of a moon. I dont know what happening so I tap a shell on the shoulder.

Janus:Whats going on?

Shell:A moon just formed above neptune overnight. We arent sure where it came from but we have been seeing tiny vessels come out of it.

Janus:Cant sense any life?

Shell:none at all! Thats the crazy part!


Tenno voice:Think its the ship?

Janus:Yes....Red veil must be planning something huge...we must blow up this moon

All the shells look back at me.

Cephalon suda:Yes I was thinking the same but if this moon appeared overnight it cant be this big. If we fire a laser and it just disappears it could be considered a war act.

Janus:We are going to fight corpus right?

Cephalon suda:From the inside not with sheer power.

Janus:If its like that ship cephalon I dont know if simple cephalons stand a chance.

Dera:You were unprepared. We have made a special unit to go.

Cephalon suda:An anti infested group. They already have been set off to this "moon"


Tenno voice:There going to die.


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