Chapter 3 enter arbiters of hexis

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I reawaken to see someone pulling me out of a seat looks like a rhino with a nekros hood and as skinny as limbo

???:There do you feel okay.

Ash:I feel pretty good for being frozen about 700 years so thank you mr?

???:oh since you a relic from 4019 you wouldn't know about me I'm a v7 revfect warframe named forazt nice to meet you

Ash:what are your powers?

Forazt: a revfect warframe  powers are things like stopping bullet and energy for 30 seconds, possessing enemy's body's, absorbing other enemies life force and a ability to absorb damage with my hand and shoot it out in one huge laser.

Ash:(Warframes powers seemed to have improved over the years) so how did you fix my visor?

Forazt:I replaced your head with an ash Scorpion helmet with better visor capabilities.

Ash:So can you tell me all about the arbiters of hexis.

Forazt:well we are a group of people fighting to find out why the truths and secrets of the world and destroy red veil.

Ash:Forazt Do you guys head into the void.

Forazt:Yes they can help us find truths of the past so to us there relics just like you we study them more then fight with them so much has been learned from them.

Ash:What about the derelect?

Forazt:red veil territory they took it over with there infested frames and custom infested claiming all of the orokin vaults left behind.

Ash:who are your main enemy's here?

Forazt:cephalon suda and red veil

Ash:why cephalon suda?

Forazt:there curiosity interferes with other people with no sides in general so we might have to defeat them.

Ash:I see,any teammates for the arbiters?

Forazt:Steel Meriden mostly they just want freedom and we want to defeat the red veil and that would probably free many grineer

Ash:thank you forazt do you have a ship for me.

Forazt:Jevos told me to give you an older ship its newer then you though

Ash:thanks for making me feel old

Forazt:sorry but don't forget about us,help us find the new truth in the world.

Ash:thanks I'll be on my way

Forazt:But wait here take this.

He hands me a jaw sword looking weapon with light beaming off of it

Ash:but this looks like an jaw sword which wasn't very good.

Forazt:it's a blade of truth v3 it's way stronger then the stuff you used back in your day take a sheath too so if you check out red veil they don't kill you on sight.

Ash:thank you forazt I'll remember you if I come back here.

Forazt:I wish you safe travels sir ash.

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