chapter 77 the spoils

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I waut for them to open the gates and i head out and see the gate manager

Grineer:Huh. You actually did it not without some damage I see.


Grineer:You warframes really are lucky feel your face.

I put my hand on it and notice it has indents and curves that werent there before

Janus:shit. Didnt notice that.

Grineer:anyways here you go.

He gives me the plat we agreed on


I walk outside the whole area and get warped


Cephalon suda:My you took quite the beating didnt you?


Cephalon suda:hmm..

She waves her hand around my face

Janus:What are you!!

I feel like the parts of my face are growing back


Cephalon suda:dont worry im almost done.

She stops


I feel my face and its back to normal

Janus:How did..

Cephalon suda:A mixture of warframe healing abilities.

Janus:I feel energized too!

Cephalon suda:Of course you won't find a better healer then a shell.

Janus:So whats next?

Cephalon suda:No rest huh? I like that. I do have a derelict quest for you. I need you to destroy those void portals entirely.


Cephalon suda:If they could somehow jumpstart them and take the derelict that would be...problematic. Are you up for this task?

Janus:Of course.

I get warped to my old home.

Janus:huh havent been here in a minute

My wrist beeps


I look down and it shows where the portals are

Janus:Thats actually kinda cool.

I start marching to the first portal. Walking past infested and corpses alike and i reach it am I suppose to break this.

Cephalon suda:Hit the bottom parts in hysteria in enough swings the whole structure should fall.


I go into hysteria i smash both control panels then i start hitting the bottom of the portal it start chunking off until it falls off making a loud thud

Janus:Alright one more

I start stabbing at the other half of the portal


I get one really sttong punch in and the portal starts falling in my direction.


I roll out of the way really fast and catch my breath

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