Chapter 94 the mutants evolved

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As ash is stuck in the compound janus and her friends are out hunting more and more exile shells. They are in space after killing about 7 of them until they get a message from cephalon as a sudden hologram appears from ions wrist

Ion:Cephalon what is it?

Cephalon suda:Your the closest group to this...a exile shell has been still for about 7 days and not killed yet. Many squads have went after him none have returned. I want you to investigate.


Cephalon suda then places a marker on our holographic maps.

Ion:Well guess we are going here.

Janus:Investigate whats killing groups psht...cant groups die all the time.

Ethel:But 7? Somethings off you two stay sharp you hear.


Ion:Probably amatuers.

We fly to the map marker and it seems to be a huge grineer vessel floating in space

Ion:Well hes in there.

Janus:Lets go then..

We hop out the ship and archwing down.

Ethel:Dont see anything...

Its dead silent on the ship.


We turn back towards space and see another group of enforcers pulling in a rhino, mag and a oberon

Oberon:Called you guys here too?

Ethel:Yeah. Guess this must be serious to call in two groups.

Mag:Lets get this over with. Got points to get.

We start walking into the ship. Upstairs and aroubd corners and there nothing. The only thing off is that the lights keep flickering probably due to age.

Rhino:Doesnt seem like there jack diddly here!


Ion:The cordinates are up ahead.

We follow the signil until we run into a door

Rhino:Phf...step aside.

He takes a rhino stomp but adjusts it into a kick knocking the door down. We look inside and dont see anything.


Mag:Doesnt make sense it says hes right here.

Rhino:You sure?

Suddenly a vent clangs and a body falls out. Of a shell.


Janus:I dont sense anything though.

Mag:What the hell did we walk into?

The light cut

Janus:God damnit!

Oberon:Its fine I got it.

He form a floating that illuminates the room and there dead bodies everywhere

Rhino:What the hell?


Janus:These...are the old enforcers. We should get out of this room.

We slowly step out and watch our backs as we creep out and suddenly we hear a crack

Janus:The fuck was that?

We look at the room we just walked out off and see one of the enforcers bodies start twitching and snapling back into place

Rhino:What in the god damn...

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