Chapter 19 the uncharted planet

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I wake up a bit shook I look around noticing I landed on some sinking ground..

Ash:Ah no

I hop out of the segment as I see it sink through the ground.i then look around to take in my surroundings many of tree like objects and a dark brown sky

Ash:they were right this planet has seen better days..

I start wondering around the planet in hope that I find someone or something other then these weird tree things I wonder around for awhile and find some kind of creature it's black like tar but has some kind of growth on its feet and it kinda looks like a charger body wise, I hide behind a tree like object.

Ash:is that some kind of breed of infested?

It walks around a bit until I see it turn in another direction it starts marching in that said direction..

Ash:(I feel like I should follow that thing if it's going to attack some thing or place I hope it doesn't notice me)

I start silently following him it sometimes turned around bit I smokebombed accordingly it kept going until we found some kind of shack it stepped it was about to walk in

Ash:if there's something in that shanty shack then I can't let this thing destroy it.

I jump from my cover and pounce on top of it


tar infested:Gree!!!

It covers it face in fear I hold back my hidden blade


It start making whimpering noises.

Ash:oh fine..Don't stand in the way though

I get off of the tar infested thing it stands back and watches me.

Ash:when could normal infested think for themselves?

I walk into the shack the infested follows me from a distance.i see a decomposed body of a grineer inside with a custom made Ogris on the counter along with a map of some sort.

Ash:you look like you've seen some stuff out here...

I take the Ogris then look at the map it's a but scratched up but there seems to be a symbol representing where I am in the shack and some other area within x over it.

Ash:that seems like quite the distance..

I notice the tar infested is nibbling the grineer corpse not trying to eat it some affection towards it.its seems kinda like a kurbrow..

Ash:would you like to come with me infested?

It looks at me and nods

Ash:(this is one smart infested beast)

I start to follow the map the infested follows behind me.after awhile we keep going and the infested bites me


It pounces on me I fall headfirst on the dirt,it puts its foot..paw thing on my head,I struggle for a bit then I hear footsteps.

???:how much money did we get that time hahahah!

????:hehe more then a thousand platinum!

Ash:(One thousand platinum?! How is there plat on this planet!?)

The footsteps disappear after awhile and the infested gets off of me.

Ash:hmm who were they they?

If anything they seem like they just came from somewhere.

Ash:we are going to take a slight detour.

We walk and keep going down the path they came from after awhile we start to see the wreckage of a small settlement.theres about 5 bodys laying around

Ash:this settlement got torn to shreds..

The infested does this weird bark towards a house in shambles

Ash:is there something in there?

It barks again.we walk to the building and we see some tar infested mangled in the building as well as some dead grineer and corpus.

Ash:did theses races live together?

The infested whimpers and moans over one of the tar infested corpses.

Ash:there's gotta be something of value let's check the area.

Me and the infested start checking the area we can't find anything of value until I see a bullet shell I notice it's white and black.

Ash:this bullet shell it's huge...what kinda gun could shoot theses...

I pick up the shells just if I see them again. I walk back to the infested and it seems like he found something

Ash:what did you find infested?

It barks three times,I walk over and see it found some busted up metallic gauntlet.

Ash:who ever those two were they seem to have destroyed this all by themselves...

I pick up the metallic gauntlet as well to see if it will come in handy

Ash:come on infested we should probably head back to the trail.

The infested starts to follow me as we start to follow the path again. We walk for a few hours and then I notice

Ash:ugh getting to this location is taking longer then's getting dark too I guess we should set up camp..but with what.

The infested starts pointing it's paw/hand at one of the tree things

Ash:yeah i guess we can cut a couple down and use it.

I pull it my hidden blade and start chopping down the trees

Ash:man these blades make this easy

We hear a boom

Ash:hmm wast the thunder?

I look in the distance to see some green sludge oozing out a volcano

Ash:this place seems like a downgraded earth...

Thunder and lighting start so I decide it's time to hurry up with the tree chopping..I cut down about 30 trees.I start to put together a little shack

Ash:eh not my finest work but it will do

Me and the infested walk inside of my shack

Ash:well I guess it's time to recharge

It makes a happy noise and curls up next to me and drifts to sleep.

Ash:I guess I should recharge myself a bit. I will put myself in rest mode in case something happens.

I recharge my energy and the infested sleeps

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