Maybe he even messaged Jensen before he had to change his target to me?

Elisia turned to Ash.

"If you hadn't been there-" she started and they met eyes.

"Monkeyman wants the cops to think Ash shot Raven." Hailey mumbled.

"This is so insane." I sighed.

I felt my phone go off.

They all looked at me with wide eyes.

With fear.

I checked my phone.

"It's my mom." I announced.

I read her message.

'Are you okay?'

I relied.

'Yes. Love you.'


Suddenly all our phones went off.

This time when the fear hit, I knew it was him.

Not a false fear.

We all opened the private video sent by Monkeyman.

It was a video of Nikki getting her house ready for a party.


My eyes widened and my grip on my phone tightened.

"That's Nikki's house." Hailey whispered.

I put my phone away as did the others.

"He better not hurt her." Hailey said panicking.

He means it.

We have to go.

We have to.

He'll kill her otherwise.

My god I feel so sick.

"We have to tell my dad." Rowan said panicked as well.

"Your right." Hailey agreed.

"Elisia?" Rowan asked looking to see if she agreed too.

"I agree we have too." Elisia nodded.

They all looked at me.

I nodded.

"Okay. Let's go." Rowan said as we all headed for the door.

As we walked out, Jake pulled in.

"Jake?" Rowan mumbled.

I saw how much she wanted to talk to him, but now isn't the time.

"I got this text at work." Jake said handing Elisia his phone.

"Unknown number." Elisia said looking at us.

"It's him." I mumbled.

"It's Monkeyman." Hailey nodded.

"If anyone talks to the cops, I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life behind bars. I know where you were Sunday night. Your alibi is a lie." Elisia read.

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