[21] Road Trip

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Thinking about fixing the first few chapters of this story. What do you guys think? Also new Cover!! ⬆


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STILES AWOKE TO HIS MUSCLES BEING SORE, AND A HEADACHE LOOMING OVER HIS EVERY THOUGHT. The teen was known to not being a morning person. But this-this was a next level feeling that caused a burning sensation through Stiles body.

It took the honey-brown-eyed teen a few moments to realize he was in the back seat of a car. When he realized he was somewhere he didn't know. Stiles panicked and started to pull his seatbelt off. Only for a hand to grip his shoulder.

"I wouldn't do that." The voice came from non-other than Stefan Salvatore, "You'll just anger him if you try to run."

Stiles didn't like how everything was running in his head. And he also didn't like how he couldn't help but be wary of the Salvatore. But wasn't Stefan one of the good guys? The response he got was a chill down his spine. He had his answer, and it was; No.

Stiles leaned away from Stefan. His eyes glanced out the window to see that the car was parked. He bit his lip and cautiously spoke, "Who?"


Of course, it was Klaus. Stiles shouldn't even have to ask that. But lately- that was the last thing on his mind. It wasn't on purpose, but more as if Stiles couldn't stop thinking about his blood-drenched hands. The power that came coursing through his veins, pumping unnatural energy in his core. He liked that power, and he hated it because Stiles didn't remember much from himself killing Theo's pack. He only remembered killing Theo, how he made it last longer. How he taunted and mocked the other teenager. And he enjoyed the power that came with it.

That's what he has been thinking about. And it scares him.

"Why am I here?" The teen asked, his voice didn't quiver but it was soft.

Stefan glanced at Stiles. Catching sight of his bloodshot eyes the vampire cringed. The reaper turned away, "You were out for two days. Klaus is finishing something up, and you can ask him questions." Stefan dodged Stiles own question because he himself didn't know why the teen was here.

Stiles didn't open his mouth to ask another question, after that. The teen kept to himself, and by keeping to himself- meaning he hovered himself against the door. He felt safer near the exit of the vehicle. But also he felt as if he was being softly told that it was safest to be closer to the door at the time.

Before long, Klaus, came back into the car. Exposing his presence by the loud slamming of the front door. The hybrid took a second to actually say anything to the two back seat passengers.

"Well, it appears our wolf hunt here is over, " Stiles hugged himself softly as he listened to Klaus, "The pack ran west. We need to head south- hopefully, the news of our arrival won't expose us this time." The teen twists his head to look at the back of Klaus's seat.

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