1 ~ First Meeting

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You huffed angrily as you got off the bus.

Some days you felt like the world was against you. Today was one of those days.

You had lost your favorite headphones, then you were assigned to be partners on the next English project with a complete stranger named taeyong, and now you can't find the keys to your apartment.

"this stupid day couldn't get any worse" you grumbled. Then you felt something wet touch your nose and suddenly it started pouring rain, "okay its official, the world hates me" you whispered out.

You quickly ran to your apartment trying to avoid getting soaked by the heavy rain but as you ran your socks got soaked from the large puddle you just stepped in. Wet socks, this was officially the worst day. 

You were heavily breathing from running as you stood in front of your apartment door while you tried to look for your keys in your bag. But as you searched thorough your bag you suddenly remembered. 

You left your keys on the kitchen table this morning after you had breakfast. You sighed while you quickly took out your cellphone and called your roommate.

"come on, please pick up yugyeom" you groaned while you tapped your foot against the ground nervously waiting as the line ringed. You watched as the rain fell and you tried to hide under the tiny roof over your apartment door until you heard a voice over the phone "hey y/n, whats up".

You sighed in relief and quickly answered back "I really need you to come home as soon as possible because I might have forgot my key inside the apartment and its pouring rain right now". You heard yugyeom chuckle over the line"you are seriously so stupid it kills me sometimes, who locks their key inside their own apartment".

You felt your shirt sticking to you since the small roof over your door wasn't really helping to protect you from the rain very well and huffed back a reply "okay listen here you overgrown giant are you going to come home soon to save me or not".

"sorry y/n but I have a shift until 7:00 and its going to take me like thirty minutes to get home on the bus, so I wont be there until like 7:30 ish"

You removed the phone from your ear and checked the time on your phone. 6:37 pm, great so like an hour. You brought the phone back up to your ear "it's alright, I will see you then"

"okay, bye y/n".

You thought about what you were going to do for an hour but suddenly the rain stopped, you smiled in relief "at least the rain stopped, maybe I should go for a walk or something". You searched for parks near by the apartment on your phone "oh a flower park, I wouldn't mind looking at some flowers for a bit. I have nothing better to do" you mumbled out loud and began walking.


"seriously hoseok I don't think this is a good idea" a pink haired male stated nervously while tugging at the shirt of an orange haired male.

"calm down jiminie, I know exactly what I'm doing. Yoongi and I already looked at where the rare plant is located we just need to study the area more. Then after we find it we can cure the tree" hoseok smiled brightly.

Suddenly a blond haired male entered the room panicking "jin what's wrong" hoseok asked confused by his panicked expression.

"the tree its leaves are falling hoseok" jin yelled.

"WHAT" hoseok screamed. "I-I thought we were supposed to have some time until the tree started wilting" jimin stuttered out worryingly.

"this isn't good at all" hoseok muttered and began walking back and forth in a quick pace. Then he suddenly stopped when he got an idea "I guess we are going to have to leave now instead" he yelled and quickly raced out of the room with jin and jimin following him. 

Hoseok saw the familiar large golden doors and he pushed them open rushing into the room. 

"yoongi" he yelled when he spotted the blue haired male along with his other friends. "the tree its wilting" he breathed out panicked.

"I know, that's why I already prepared it" yoongi said while he pointed toward the pond. The pond glowed and sparkled as all seven of them looked at it in awe.

"but we don't know how safe it is, we didn't study if it's alright for us to go there" a purple haired male stated. "calm down namjoon I'm sure that nothing to extreme will happen to us" the black haired male responded.

"yeah jungkooks right, also what was this place that we are going to even called" the grey haired male asked. 

"its called earth tae" yoongi replied.

"well we have to go we are running out of time" hoeseok said cutting everyone off before he quickly jumped into the sparking pond. "this is such a bad idea" namjoon groaned before jumping in, then slowly the rest of the group followed.

On earth:

"ugh, get off me, you guys are so heavy" yoongi groaned underneath his friends. "sorry yoongi" jungkook apologized moving off of yoongi and jimin said a quick apology as he got off of his friend as well.

" can we please just quickly get the plant and go" jimin mumbled nervously.

"yeah just... um it should be this way" yoongi said and began quickly walking toward the location of where the plant should be located.

"are you kidding me yoongi you said that this was the right way" jungkook groaned after they had been walking for thirty minuets. 

"shut up..... wait where the hell is namjoon and hoeseok" yoongi realized the absence of some of his friends. 

".... and taehyung and jin" jimin said panicked. 

"... well shit" yoongi sighed.

"but yoongi you said that we would end up right near the plant but now we don't know where the plant is or where are friends are" jimin said getting teary eyed. 

"listen its not my fault, we didn't have enough time to study the effects of travelling to earth so I guess it caused us to split up and changed the location of where we were supposed to end up" yoongi sighed.

"well at least that's the only thing that happened and nothing worse" but then suddenly jungkook was cut off by a giant hand landing directly beside him almost squishing him. "WHAT THE" then he passed out due to pure surprise.


You arrived at the flower park and looked around. Even though you rarely go outside for your own enjoyment and the only reason you were here was because you were locked out of your apartment you did have to admit the park was amazing. actually no, It was beautiful. The flowers were all different vibrant colors but they all somehow matched perfectly together.

You smiled as you began walking around and started taking some pictures. After about thirty minutes you decided to take a break and sit in the field located in the park, you quickly sat down and leaned back on your hands and began relaxing. Well...until you were interrupted by a small scream

"AHHHH jungkook, yoongi what do we do. You stupid large hand you killed my friend"

You could have sworn you just heard a small voice, you wondered if you were losing your sanity for a second but then decided to look for the source of the voice. You turned your head back slightly and almost passed out at the sight in front of you. 

"Holy shit why the crap are you guys so small"

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