all that matters

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"How does it feel to have a husband?"

Beth's question replayed in Jenna's mind over and over again. But she knew the answer. It felt better than nice. All her close friends and family were there. Her parents said they would attend but jenna didn't even bother to look for them.

"I think you should be asking me how does it feel to have an amazing wife." Gwilym interrupted their talk. He wrapped his arms around Jenna's waist and placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "More guests are here and want to see you."

"Oh really? Or do you want me all to yourself?" Jenna laughed. "I'll catch up with you later beth, the guests need me."

Beth nodded and went to sit next to lucy and iris. Gwilym grabbed his wife's hand and directed her to the outside part of the building. "Why are we going outside for? Did joe get his foot stuck in the railing again?" Jenna asked as she picked up the ends of her dress to prevent herself from falling.

"No, he's banned from going anywhere near the railing but someone is here to see you." He motioned for her to follow him.

"Wait is this the part where you tell me you're a serial killer and we have to go on the run from the fbi?"


Jenna only shrugged her shoulders and followed him to the back area where her parents stood. They each gave jenna a small wave. "Steven didn't think it was a good idea to come." Her mom whispered.

"But I wanted you here and now you are. That's all that matters." Jenna turned to gwilym. "Could you give us a few minutes alone?"

"Wait, we want to talk to both of you. We want to apologize for how we acted towards your relationship. It's clear that you both deserve happiness and if happiness is each other then we're not going to get in the way of that." Jenna's dad continued.

"Mrs Brosnan, Mr Brosnan-" gwilym got cut off.

"Gwilym, please call us Penelope and andrew. That makes us feel really old." Penelope chuckled.

"Well Penelope and andrew, I appreciate the apology. Thank you for coming. It means a lot to us but it means more to jenna that you did." Gwilym grabbed Jenna's hand and squeezed it.

"Mom, dad. I really like that you're here." Jenna smiled. "And I'm sorry for saying means things to you."

"You never said mean things to me." Penelope said confused.

"Well not to your face..."

After a few more minutes of apologizing and making up, Penelope, Andrew, gwilym and jenna all made their way inside. "Oh mom dad! These lovely people and gwilym's parents. And his sibling are over there!" Jenna said as soon as they entered the building.

Penelope and Andrew smiled at gwilym's parents and went to sit down next to them. Steven was talking with gwilym's brothers and all her friends were talking and drinking with gwilym's friends. Everything was perfect.

"Ready for the next chapter in our lives?" Gwilyms chuckled. "Is that how people say it? I'm not sure."

"I think so." Jenna giggled. "I just wish he was here with us. But maria is with him no so I know he's happy."

Grandpa Michael had passed away in his sleep a few months after gwilym and jenna got engaged. He layed on his bed with a picture of maria beside him and a smile on his face. The only thing that was missing from Jenna's perfect wedding was the man that made her come back to the love of her life. But he was somewhere else with the love of his life and that was all that mattered.

an: it is finished! I cried a little not gonna lie but I'm so happy that I got to finish gwil and Jenna's story! Thank you for the comments and votes and views that this story has gotten. I know this only has less than fifty chapters but I always intended it to have it like that. The next chapter will be like a bonus chapter?? I guess you can call it like that. It will take place after the wedding, maybe a few months or a year,, still haven't decided but after that it will be the end of gwil and Jenna's story. But they will appear in my other story 'hoodie'. Thank you once again. Thank you.

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