"No, if you want to get matching tattoos, go for it."

Dean sighs. "I can tell that don't want me to. I'll just get him something else. I'll just... I don't know, I'll give him my dad's journal."

"Your dad's journal?" Castiel repeats, confused.

"Yeah, he used to write about his time on the force in this old leather book," Dean says. "I snagged it after he died. I can give it to Sam if you want, no tattoos required."

"No, if you really want a tattoo, go for it," Castiel says. "Just... You said you were getting it on your chest or something, right?"

Dean taps the top of his chest. "Yeah, right here. Why?"

"It's just, it's kinda a weird design, and..."

"And you don't want people to think you're marrying a satanist?" Dean finishes for him. "Well, I'm not exactly known for taking shirtless selfies in the mirror."

"Well, yeah, but if you ever go swimming or something —"

"Then I won't take any pictures?" Dean's brows draw together in confusion. "I don't get it?"

"Well, no, you won't take pictures, but other people probably will," Castiel says.

Dean shrugs. "Sounds like a them problem. Why should I care what they think? I'll enjoy my bomb ass tattoo, no matter what people say — except you. I do care what you say. And Sam, too. But otherwise, I give zero fucks."

"Yeah, but..."

"See, you keep saying that, but you're not actually telling me what the 'yeah, but' is for," Dean says. "I tried to subtly help you out, but this ain't working, so tell me what exactly you're worried about."

"I'm not worried," Castiel mutters.

"Okay, Cas, that's very much not the point here," Dean says. "What's the problem? I'm genuinely asking."

"I just..." Castiel sighs. "Nothing. It's stupid. Get Sam the gift card. I'm sure he'll love it."

Dean groans. "God, you're impossible." He takes a moment to think about it, trying to solve the mystery himself, but the best he can come up with is, "Are you not into a guy with tats? Do you wanna know what it looks like before I get it? Do you want me to get it somewhere else? Come on, man, I'm really trying. Throw me a bone, will you?"

Castiel sighs. "It's just, it sounds really bad, and I shouldn't say it, and it kinda makes me a bad person for thinking it, so forget it. Get your tattoo."

"Cas." Dean reaches across the table and takes his hand. "Talk to me. What is it? I promise, it won't make me like you any less." Seeing that he still isn't getting an answer, he adds, "I've already decided I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Your thoughts on my potential future tattoo isn't going to change that. Now talk to me."

Castiel frowns, but, after a moment of hesitation, says, "I know this sounds really bad, but, like... Okay, so I'm, like, a big celebrity guy, right?"


"And I kinda represent the LGBT community, right? The people who really, really care about respecting other people's... well, everything?"

"As they should," Dean says, nodding.

"Right, and sometimes, they kinda exaggerate what's offensive and what's not?"

"Yeah, I've literally seen people get upset because calling their followers a cult was offensive to —" Dean cuts himself off. "You think people are going to say tattooing a pentagram on my chest is offensive to some religion, aren't you?"

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