-"And this is your family house?" - he asked me pointing to my house just behind where the telescope is, I nodded back.

-"OK, I normally find Orion first, it is always the easiest to locate, as is one of the largest and most recognizable of the constellations." - I explained while positioning the telescope, and pass it to him.

-"Wow! It is so bright."

-"Orion was a mortal gifted hunter, and attracted Artemis attention, she was the daughter of Zeus, and goddess of the moon, some say she was in love with him, but they love would be forbidden. They would hunt together, and she slowly gained his heart, but one day when they were hunting together, she accidentally hit him with one of her bows, and she killed him, she was hearted broken and to amend her wrong she gave him the brightest constellation in the skies."

But, Who is the Dragon?


One moment I thought I was about to kiss Ruby, in the next I was following her around the village again. I am not sure why she did avoid that kiss, however, she did not show any sign that she didn't want to.

I am confused, girls are confusing!! What is she doing? The fact is, I trust her, so much, I can follow her anywhere.

She held my hand in her soft mittens, and pull me through the footpath, we go up to the cliff, and she opens a gate to a garden, in front of a house, where she took me to a telescope, it is hers.

She adjusts it, and passes it to me, explaining all about the Orion constellation. She is probably one of the cleverest people I have ever met.

-"Ruby, is there anything you don't know about?"

She laughs!

-"There are lots of things I don't know about!" - She answers.

-"Like what?"

-"I don't know spinjitzu!" - she answers giggling

-"We can fix that"

My wristband is vibrating non-stop, and I know it is a call from Pixal, and could be an emergency.

-"Sorry, I need to take this"

-"Sure, come inside, I will make some hot drinks for us"

I follow her, again, inside an empty room, still smelling of fresh paint, and there are papers in the floor, she leaves me there, and walk to the kitchen, while I call Pixal back.

-"What's up Pix?"

-"Master Lloyd, where are you? we are all worry with your absent."

-"I am back to Moridunum, I am following a clue here" - I lie, I don't want to tell them why I am here.

-"About that, Nya has something to you"

-"Tell Nya I will speak to her as soon I am back"

-"Trust me, you might want to know sooner than later"

-"Ok, is she there?"

-"I am putting you through"

While I wait for Nya, I watch Ruby's house garden, from the french window, I see a chair swing, and I have a dejavu, I saw that before, in fact, I sit in that the same swing before with Harumi, only not in this world, why is that in Ruby's garden?


-"Yes Nya"

-"You left a few papers in the bridge, we found when we are tidying up, and one of them was an approval from the hospital for you to visit Harumi in ICU, Do you know what I am talking about?"

The Wolf and The Dragon (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now