I'm good 🙌🤗

Começar do início

i aslo asked for the favor that she should keep our meeting as secret ....but little did she knew it was not just a meeting ...😈...

with all love lisa...  meet you tomorrow 💘.

skip to tomorrow ...

author pov :

lisa managed to go out of her house escaping from her maids her guards... getting in the car and she came at the park and sat on the same bench it was 6 sharp in the morning ....

when she saw sehun coming towards her...

sehun pov :
i saw her...  she was looking so beautiful which she is...

"hhii" she said

i answerd "hii   how are you ".

lisa"im good wt about u?".

me "same gonna die soon". i said so that i can make her more guilty ...

she then hold my hand....
wow! if by thatcshe can hold my hand i should have died back then...

lisa "i know that I'm sorry but if you keep talking things like that i don't like it...  i m feeling sad ".

ohh! no! sehun WTF how can you make her feel sad...

to lift up the mood i said
"well don't you think you need to  swim or stuff otherwise it would be funny to know a fish can't swim".

she laughed hard.... and i laughed seeing her laughing ....

we talk something's like boring stuff

the day went well

2 more days to go...

day 2

sehun pov :

i saw her coming today I'm a bit early i guess..

she was holding some paper bags..

she sat down
lisa"i thought yesterday that why not we do a lil picnic hear since yesterday i was hungry so i bought ramen noodles for us.. let's eat ".

i said "you care for me? ".

she said "off course i do you are my friend sehun"..

seee she loves me she cares for me....

she is really kind after i tried to rape her that night still she cares for me.. I'm so lucky that she is my girl...

"yaah! eat when will you eat after you die huh". ...
she joked...
we both started laughing we both eat...

and 3 hours are over she needs to goo....

but i grabbed her wrist and hugged her tightly.... i love that feeling when her body is touching mine....

i broke the hugg and said "I'm sorry i didn't mean to.. it's just I'm gonna be just a nomore in this world just after 2 days.. ".

she hugged me this time.... ohh my! demon! are you giving me a signal that what i m thinkig to do is right?

"it's right that you gonna die but don't be sad maybe we can do something ..okay now smile bbye.. ".

she said it's right... okay lisa i got this for us!..💘💘💘💘💘💘.


last day
lisa pov :

i called momo unnie yesterday since she has been doctor to royall family she must know this or her mother can answer me....


i asked her 👇

momo "lisa hii why did you called at late night are you okay!".

me  "yes unnie I'm okay can you please tell me that can i heal the person full of poison in his body?  can i heal him ".

momo"whyyy lisa?  who is he is he jungkook omg what happened ....wait lettme ask my mom".

before i could say no it's no kookie i think she went to ask her mother .

momo "lisa my mommy told me that you can heal any one....  and she told me that since you have the blood of your grandma indirectly running in your veins you can even heal a person who got poisoned by your grandma.... isn't it insane ...but wait I'm comingi will help you kookie should bear it i hope my hope my boyfriend is okay! bye seeing his maknaes condition ".

i said "aaa niiii unnie calm down he is not kookie that person is a friend of mine and you didn't know unnie by just answering me you just removed my guilt I'm sure tomorrow i can heal him... I'm sure he will be happy... byye unnie sleep well good night ".


sehun see that's a good news... you will not die today you will reborn today. ....
i think it's true that god is giving you this second chance thanku god! 😇😇😇

last day
sehun pov :

today is the day.. my last day...

i saw lisa coming in my direction ...actually she was running ..

she hugged me...  ohh girl if only you know how much i still love you ...

before she could say
i told her "lisa can i drive your car i know I'm not good at driving but it's my last wish to drive that lambo... that white beautiful lambo may i¿".

she smiled "yes off course and it's not your last wish because you are going to live more believe me and take this key ".

awww! she is so good at comforting ...
even a dead will smile just by looking at her 😍

i took the key she was following me
but i stopped her
"lisa you wait at the entrance i will come with your lambo to get you there then we will go for a long drive last long drive ". i said and she nodded ..

long drive to hell with me baby...
😈😈but it's out of love it will hurt at First but when she will realize she is with me I'm sure she will be happy 😍😍😍😍💘💘💘💘💘..

liskook [i can hear you]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora