Chapter 14

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"Time for the real fun to begin"


We finally came to a stop in front of an abandoned warehouse as Luther started his annoying commands to each of us, "Allison and I would take the front,"
"Of course you will," I said annoyed.
"Diego, you and Ben will take the back and Five and Klaus you guys are back up and lookout. Clear?"
We nodded and head to our assigned posts. "You ready?" I asked Ben who seemed uneasy, "Yeah, totally ready," he faked enthusiastically.

We heard gunshot fired inside the worned out building and ran inside to grab Leah. As soon as I reached the chair where she was held hostage, something felt off, "Guys... something's not right. This is too easy," I told the others when I inched closer to 'Leah'. I took off the bag from her head but was greeted by a mannequin. The armed men were unconscious on the floor but that didn't stop me from punching one of them awake, "Oi! Wake up," I yelled in fury. My siblings stayed back as they watch the scene unfold.

"Where. Is. She?" I asked through gritted teeth, "You're too late," The man said in a sadistic smile before I knocked him unconscious again, refraining myself from stabbing him with my knives. "DIEGO! THEY HAVE LEAH!" Five yelled as soon as he teleported back. My eyes widened as I bolted out of the warehouse and out onto the open field. I heard the muffled screams of the missing girl as I ran towards the source of the sound but it abruptly stopped as soon as I reached a shed.

I skidded to a stop, my siblings right behind me as Luther ripped the doors open as I threw my knife towards the first armed man I see in the shed before he had a chance to fire a single bullet. It sunk deep into his chest as he let out a blood curling scream. I glared at the other men who held an unconscious Leah. My blood boiled at the scene as I charged at them taking them down easily, one after another, they went down. I breathe in heavily as one of my sleeves were soaked in their blood. One more sat in front of me, he clutched onto his leg where my knife hit. As I approached him, Ben came in front of me, "Diego, that's enough. You've done more damage than I've done okay?" He tried calling me down but all I see is red. I pushed him aside as he fell down to the ground, looking up at me in shock. I ripped the knife free as the man let out a scream.

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