Chapter 9

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"Stalker much?"

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"Stalker much?"


Freddy literally almost made Billy kill him then and there. His so called best friend, a man with many names would turn up at lunch and that's how he knows he is screwed.

"What the hell, Freddy?" Billy yelled at him. "I'm sorry but I had to stand up for myself right."
"Yeah, by cowering behind me just because I have superpowers," Billy said, his eyes burning with fury. I honestly, wanted ni part in this since its between my brother and my crush? Is he though... right now I don't know. However, they just had to get me involved, and all I was doing was just sipping on a cup of hot chocolate. Is that so wrong??

"Leah, you would back me up right?" Freddy asked me, I gave him a look of confusion, "When was I involved?"
"When you decided to tell me to back off," Freddy said accusingly at me, "Excuse me? I was there to make sure that you didn't get your ass wooped, unless of course I can always help you with that," I shot him a glare.
"You're on his side," Freddy said, betrayal evident in his voice.

"Hold on there buddy," I said, "I'm not picking any sides here. You don't come here and get me involved in this okay. You can't just go off and tell the whole world you know a superhero. You will get yourself into unwanted trouble. Understand this, Freddy. You think just because you know two of them, it doesn't mean anything, we can't guarantee you safety 24/7, okay? We are still normal people like you and I'm just trying to get a normal life here, so don't just come up to me like that and say that In picking sides because I'm not," and with that I stormed off with the two boys yelling for me.

I plugged my earphones in and blocked off the different noises around me. I sighed to myself, why did my life have to turn upside down like that. What did I do to deserve this? Okay, maybe a few things like pickpocketing but that was literally a life or death situation, but does it count? You tell me. I heard lighting crackle behind me as I whipped around, behind me stood a man with one normal brown eyes, while on the other a blue orb rested in its place. It crackles with electricity as I took off my earphones and stuffed it all into my pocket. The screams of the innocent civilians filled what was empty silence before this. He stood there, unfazed by the chaos around hum as black wisp of smoke started to come off of him. "Gross did you not take a shower or something?" I said as the black wisp of smoke divided to seven and took shape off the most horrifying things I've ever seen but I didn't flinch. "Nice cosplay outfit. I really like the effects you made," I said acting casual eventhough I could feel my heart racing as it almost broke out of my own body. I took in the scene and acted as if it was all normal. "Enough of your nonsense, I know the power of the sea is in you. I can sense its power just a mile away."

"Stalker much?" I said, suddenly taking interest of my fingernails which I recently polished white. "Which sin would you like to destroy you?" He asked as if it's a normal question to pipe up in a conversation. I spotted a little space between two of the sins as I made a quick move. "How about, none of them?" I said as I rolled in between the space. Thank God I'm small.

I sprinted my way as I watched Mr Blue eye send his little minions soaring after me. I ran to the closest source of water I could find, thankfully it was a deep swimming pool as I dropped my stuff in my bag and placed them by a corner before taking off my coats and shoes and dived in straight into the pool. I muttered, "Memphis," quietly before my head touched the water as the familiar swirls of the currents surround me as I took form of my superhero self. I emerged from the waters as a whirlpool of water held me up, as if I was flying.
I raised my arms towards two of the oncoming sins as gallons of water raced towards their direction, scattering their forms into the small wisps they once were as they retreated back to their master, or their little toy to say the least.

I waited for the other 5 to engage as I froze some water and hurled sharp spikes towards them but it just went through as they dissolved before solidifying once again. I didn't bother to reach to my arrows just yet as I knew it would be useless against these creatures of hell. I decided to play defensive instead since I couldn't hurt them and put up walls of ice. I managed to hit some back with the circles I had as the injured ran back cowardly to their toy and came back for round 2. I fought like hell, no pun intended, as soon, I was tired. I gained more strength from the water but I knew it wouldn't last long. I didn't have my brother with me here though. O at my guard down for a moment before I felt my shoulder burnt like fire as one of them stabbed me with, I don't know but it hurt. The pained made my mind to hazy as they twisted it and yanked it out. I fell to the ground and held onto my shoulder. I tried to get some water to heal myself but the last thing I saw was them holding something long out and swung it down as I was knocked out cold.


Billy's POV

I knew that Leah was hurt that Freddy even had that thought of her picking a side as I noticed the subtle tears that gathered at the brim of her eye before she ran off. "Leah!" I calls out for her to come back but she never did. Even after past midnight, she still hasn't came home. I was worried sick. I looked all over the whole city and I couldn't find a single trace of where she went.

"This is all my fault," Freddy said, putting his face into his hands as I noticed that he was shaking. I was still mad at him though. I stood outside his room door an listen to his muffled words. "Why am I so stupid? To even think that she would choose between her brother and me? Who am I kidding? I just ruined whatever chance I had in going on a date with her."

I stopped listening by then. They both like each other but are both too blind to notice it. And now, time to third wheel, but I need to find Leah first. I snuck out of my window and said "shazam" but I knew it wouldn't work due to the lighting that came striking down towards me as I flew off into the night sky. I flew to her hiding spot but no sign of her there. What if she was in danger? I reached everywhere with some sort of source of water as I finally stopped at the Philadelphia community pool centre. I heard a faint buzz from the corner of the lost and found room as O looked to find the sourceof the sound. I picked it up and realised that it was Leah's bag. All her stuff was still inside. I walked out still holding her bag as I realised the amount of water thatvdplsttered all around me. Oh no... Leah.

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