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I remember the times when I used to think we didn't care of anyone else but ourselves, — our relationship.

It was one of the best periods of my life, the one where you used to brings me flowers constantly and would never care what people would say.

During that time, you had brought me tulips, — I never knew how you managed to find all those kinds of flowers, but you somehow did. The idea of you fighting to get me something made me cry of joy, — I was so infatuated with the idea of having you as a boyfriend, that I once completely forgot about an exam, and proceeded to fail it. You came to my house that night, with tulips on your hands, and chocolates, — you knew I was going to cry myself to sleep.

You knew how to win me even when it wasn't your time to lose.

Today an unknown number called my house, — they asked for me, and asked if I was happy. I immediately thought of you, but I knew your numerous girlfriends would check on your phone 24/7, and you would never call unless you were drunk again.

After receiving a 'who is this?' from me, they asked the same question again, to which I responded angrily, while tears became to appear in my eyes.

How can I be happy and broken at the same time?

They stopped calling after that.

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